Higher-Fire system email....

Tyler Nally (tnally@csci.csc.com)
Fri, 12 Jul 1996 9:29:24 CDT

Greetings Saints in Jesus name!

As you all probably well have realized, there's not been much activity
on Higher-Fire lately.   Postings haven't been fast in coming in, but as
you'll see soon, I hope you'll understand why some of just the more recent
postings are coming through in comparison to some of the older threads.

Wednesday was a scheduled maintenance day with prairienet.  So things weren't
going very well getting things in and out of there.  Also, coupled with the
email problems around work (because of deferred connections, etc.) some of
the approvals of postings, adding of subscribers, and other owner/moderator
actions to the listproc hasn't even reached the listproc at prairienet since
real early on Wednesday morning.  Currently, I've got 7 entries in the 
mailqueue since Wed morning that have yet to be delivered.  Of which probably
5 or 6 are H-F related.....  

Eventually, it'll all empty out... and we'll all be flooded with email.

Bro. Tyler
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+  _ 
| Bro. Tyler Nally   ---[ Higher-Fire Co-Owner and Moderator ]---       |_| |_ 
| Email addr : tgnally@prairienet.org  tnally@csci.csc.com              |_   _|
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |  
| ListProc User Info:  http://www.cren.net/www/listproc/usercard.html   | | |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
| H-Fire Archive:  http://eli.wariat.org/upc/net/higher-fire/index.html | |_|