black church fires -

John Dahl (
Tue, 9 Jul 1996 16:57:36 -0700 (PDT)

Dear K you wrote the following:
>For the adults, there isn't a lot we can do but pray.  But for our 
>children we can show them that people are people.  Children learn 
>from watching us.  Do they see us with others or do they see us with 
>the same.  How do we really feel about certain issues.  How would you 
>feel if your son said he was going to marry a person from another 
>culture?  Don't answer, just think.  These are the things I am 
>talking about -- not apologies.  Apologies are worthless,.  It is for 
>people to begin thinking about things that they might find 
>uncomfortable.  And then for saved folks who may find an area in 
>their life that they didn't know to exist, then to pray and ask God 
>to take this out.
>In that cross cultural class I mentioned in another note, I asked the 
>professor how she would feel is her son brought home a black girl to 
>marry.  She was very honest and she said that he first reaction would 
>be that she didn't like it.  But then she said, she knew that she 
>would pray about it and that in the long run it would be OK.  She had 
>such an agonizing look on her face when she was answering that 
>question.  I appreciated her honesty.  What she said that troubled 
>her about her answer is that she couldn't just say "fine" at first.  
>That something within her desired for her son to marry a person of 
>their race.  That is the question.  Here was a God-fearing woman, a 
>woman who professed Christ in her actions daily.  She was a light to 
>me.  yet, this was an issue for her.  I hope you understand now.  And 
>even if you don't respond to me, by reading this, I pray that you 
>will consider these questions.  Because if it gets you to think, then 
>a little bit of progress has been made.
In the above paragraphs you mentioned the subject of interracial marriage.
While I am opposed in every way to racism this subject is worth commenting
on.  I may not be completely convinced myself that that is appropriate in
our day and age.  I think not of the adults but of the resulting children
from such a union. They frequently are put out and made fun of from BOTH
sides of the color spectrum (Blacks and Whites).  The adults in this
relationship may be able to withstand the immaturity of such so called
persecution but it only adds to the load that children must carry in this
day and age.