Bro. Richard Masoner in San Jose California

Tyler Nally (
Fri, 12 Jul 1996 14:15:33 CDT

Bro. Richard spake thusly to me=>
++Hey Tyler,
++Can you forward this on to H-F?  Thanks....

So, according to his wishes.... here's the bosses request...

Bro. Tyler

+Hey all!!
+Richard here, this time in Mountain View CA.  It looks like I'm stuck here over
+the weekend :-(, so if anyone can recommend a good church to visit in the area
+please let me know by writing directly to me (
+I visited Sister Laurie G.'s church in Southern California for their midweek
+service: her pastor Bro Butler is *awesome*.  It's a fantastic church, a
+praising church, and obviously a praying church!  Very much a HAPPY
+congregation of saints also!  It seems Sis Laurie is related one way or the
+other to about half the congregation ;-) so I got to meet all of them.  The
+youth leader, Bro John Aoki (Japanese name) and his wife has a 14-month-old son
+who looks almost exactly like my son!
+Hasta pasta and all that!
+Richard Masoner