Bro. Richard Masoner in San Jose California

Fri, 12 Jul 1996 14:41:35 -0700

You wrote: 

>I visited Sister Laurie G.'s church in Southern California for their 
>midweek +service: her pastor Bro Butler is *awesome*.  It's a 
>fantastic church, a praising church, and obviously a praying church!  
>Very much a HAPPY congregation of saints also!  It seems Sis Laurie 
>is related one way or the other to about half the congregation ;-) so 
>I got to meet all of them.  The youth leader, Bro John Aoki (Japanese 
>name) and his wife has a 14-month-old son who looks almost exactly 
>like my son! Hasta pasta and all that
>Richard Masoner

    Thank you Brother Richard for the kind words. Yes, the Lord has 
blessed Bellflower and He continues to bless. Our pastor is a wonderful 
man of God who always keeps his vision on Jesus, and the church is a 
very friendly place, especially considering it's it L.A. which is not a 
very friendly place! Sister Kimberly Elkins who is on the HF list is 
Brother Butler's first cousin. I forgot to tell you that.
    Well Bro. Richard, now you and your family have more relatives 
because the people here (my relatives) have adopted you!  Yes, Bro. 
Richard made a big hit with the family. The chuch family and the 
related family. He's going to have to bring his wife and son out so we 
can meet them sometime. 
     I'm sorry you didn't get to go home for the week-end, Brother 
Richard! Give your wife my condolances on the puppy and don't work too 
    God bless!
    Sister Laurie =)