black church fires -

Richard Masoner (
Mon, 15 Jul 1996 10:24:00 -0500 (CDT)

Sister Kay wrote:

> Interesting comments John regarding interracial marriage.  While what 
> you say is very true, would you discourage two people from marryig 
> that were very much in love?  And, if God has sanctioned the 
> marriage, then I would think that God could handle any resulting 
> conflicts that the children may endure.  Your turn.

Yay Kay!!  You go girl! :-)

I've been out of town (vacation, then business) so I've missed out on
what looks like a subject I'm pretty personally interested in.  But my
2 cents:

The listowner (i.e. me ;-) is the product of an interracial marriage,
and any misconceptions about such children having "conflicts" are way
overrated, IMHO.  The only problems I've had, such as they were,
happened while living in the good ol' Midwest.  I've never encountered
difficulties while living in California or anywhere in the South
(Texas, Florida, Georgia, Virginia).  When I bought a house in the tiny
farming community of Sidney Illinois, I admit I did half expect a cross
burning in my front yard, but that hasn't happened yet.

"Race" is an arbitrary classification anyway.  If you prevent
"interracial" marriage, the result is inbreeding and its resultant
problems like mental retardation and so on.  Hybrid vigor is good; it's
why mutts are so much more intelligent and healthier than purebreds.

The only race is the one you run!!!!

Richard, running for that heavenly city.