black church fires -

Tyler Nally (
Mon, 15 Jul 1996 11:11:03 CDT

Bro. Richard wrote:
* Sister Kay wrote:
* > Interesting comments John regarding interracial marriage.  While what 
* > you say is very true, would you discourage two people from marryig 
* > that were very much in love?  And, if God has sanctioned the 
* > marriage, then I would think that God could handle any resulting 
* > conflicts that the children may endure.  Your turn.
* Yay Kay!!  You go girl! :-)
>>snip snip<<

* "Race" is an arbitrary classification anyway.  If you prevent
* "interracial" marriage, the result is inbreeding and its resultant
* problems like mental retardation and so on.  Hybrid vigor is good; it's
* why mutts are so much more intelligent and healthier than purebreds.

Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,.....!  Ooooops!........

I'm also one of these mutts... I'm 1/2 portuguese and about 1/100th 
everything else.  My father says Scotch Irish.  My mothers folks came over
on the boat from Portugal at the turn of the 20th century.  They never 
learned to read and write english but all ten of their children did.  They
could speak broken english.  They could count money to the penny with the 
expertise and swiftness of a money counting machine at a bank.  I only 
remember meeting them a couple of times before he died in '70 and she in
'85 (I think).

I realize you're a sharp dude Bro.  I've lunched with you and have marvelled
how I felt more intelligent after lunch than I did before the eats commenced.
Must've been intelligence gained thru osmosis of your muttdom.  ;-D

I only hope a like effect occurred on your side..... or did you feel drained
of knowledge and wits?

Bro. Tyler