interracial marriage (was black church fires)

sandra m buckner (
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 06:01:12 PST

Hi Jackie,

I'm glad you said what you said.  I also am in an interracial marriage
and I have 6 children all bi-racial.  We also go to a interracial church
and we all all treated the same, as God's children.  My children don't
have a problem with who they are and no on gives them any problems about
who they are.

We live in the inner city and everyone seems accepting of course we live
in minnesota so interracial couples are very common here, never the less
there is racism, but I teach my children to accept all alike and they in
turn are accepted.

The problem really doesn't lie with interracial couples and their
children, the problem lies with racists who can't deal with what they
see because they are too busy trying to control everyone.  That is the
real problem and those are the ones who need to wake up!!!

Just thought I would add my two cents.

God bless,

God loves us all....:)
