black church fires -

Tyler Nally (
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 8:51:31 CDT

    [ From: (Mark Bassett)                       ]
    [ Subject: Re: black church fires -                            ]
    [ Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 01:35:48 GMT                          ]
    [ Posted by Moderator due to listproc checksum error rejection ]

On Mon, 15 Jul 1996 15:00:26 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:

>I should've put a smiley or three in there, though I was feeling goofy
>enough this morning that I presumed everyone in the world was feeling
>the same way I was.  The eugenics implication was strong enough that I
>didn't think people would take me too seriously.  Tyler and Andy caught
>it, but that's probably because they know me a little better ;-) I got
>me a big ol' massive smile planted on my face even as I type this.  I'm
>feelin' GOOD!  HAPPY!  HALLELUJAH \o/  even if I am a mutt :-)  Or
>maybe because I am one :-)

Thats great! Im glad you are feeling good! So am I!

Im sure we are all aware of how much the Hollywood media is pushing
the multicultural guilt trip. I just wondered how much Apostolics felt
like they wanted to participate. As we all know, one of the spearhead
ideologies of the movement is racial intermarriage. We could list
quite a number of titles and authors and celebrity figures whose
purpose seems to be advocacy of active "anti-racial" action including
persuading youth to preferably choose inter-racial intimate
relationships. My personal feeling is that this amounts to little more
than a topical advocacy of sexual relationship outside of marriage,
with the enticement of appearing to be liberal.

We have heard endless diatribes of how same-race advocacy derives from
desire to "keep the black stud in the slave house", fear of black
males, "penis envy", etc etc etc... (those who dont care for these
references had best tell the parties from which they originate). I
wonder why we are so interested in the whole matter, to be honest.
Simply asking for prayer on this topic got me a load of nasty mail.

Is it not a personal matter ?

Now, I am NOT making a comment for or against intermarriage, not
matter WHAT accusations are thrown at me, and those thinking that Im
needlessly crying have not read my private mailbox.

What I am saying, and quite adamantly, is that when social or
so-called moral standards COMPEL people to feel that its somehow cool
to engage in relationships because of the appearance of those

>> However, when we discuss these things as pertains to human beings, the
>> result is eugenics..
>In no way was I suggesting that people of different ethnicities *must*
>intermarry.  I was just suggesting that the product of such unions
>could be beneficial.
>"I have determined you have the correct genetic makeup such that we
>should marry, have a family, and have offspring which would be the new
>master race.  Love?  What's that?"
>One major disadvantage to being of a mixed ethnic heritage: I never
>know which of those silly boxes to check on forms asking what race
>I am.
>> I believe the reasons that people marry are called destiny,
>> preference, desire, and fulfillment.
>Ah, so in either case: whether from the "eugenic" viewpoint, or the
>romantic viewpoint, race doesn't matter and people should marry one
>another regardless of their color.  RIGHT ON BROTHER!

I did not say that race was not a consideration. It may very well be a
consideration for an individual. My point is that that is a personal

I was not aware that people were prevented from marrying due to race.
Your parents were not. Mine were not. Certainly interracial marriage
is more common than ever. In fact, last time I looked it actually
seemed to be statistically in excess of a rate I would expect (for a
number of reasons).

Some of this is just bruhaha... Our churches are typically integrated.
I general, it is well understood that growth attends to those without
racial barriers. I know of no growing churches that in any way appear
segregated and i know of a good many small ones that exist simply
BECAUSE they drew from the whole of the harvest field.

>AMEN -- the judgements of some in society seem to be "color matters"
>whereas the bond we have through the new birth indicates we have one
>Father -- we be Brothers and Sisters.  HALLELUJAH.

Again, we have yet to see this "color matters" boogie man. Could
someone point him out please, so that we do not have the ongoing sense
that a public confession period "Hello, my name is Jack. Im a racist
and I;ll always be a racist"  is what is really desired.

>You know what's really cool?  The fact that "political correctness"
>doesn't matter in Christianity.  I mean, isn't that so awesome that
>people from such different backgrounds and viewpoints are all a part of
>the body of Christ?  That's something that is so attractive to me about
>the Church of the living God!!  There ain't no cookie-cutter Christian,
>as the saying goes.

Well, the truth is that political correctness, and its cousins,
racism, snoberry, theological liberalism, crusading conservativism and
lukewarmness ALL do matter to Christianity. They are looking for the
pew that "Sis Bertha Better'n you" vacates when she is driven out by
the that social fire stuff that gets ahead of genuine Holy Ghost

Bro. Richard, I always appreciate you and your quick
(Japaneese-American) mind. Please keep up the great work with
