Article: Black Church Fires

Kenneth Wilson (
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 08:11:27 -0700

Praise the Lord Everyone:

      Fire is a symbol of destruction in which is used not only by 
physical since but in Laws and thoughts.While the majority of people 
will except Burnning of Black churches but seem to be alluded by the 
burnning of White churches.This is done by our legal system.In the 
makeing of laws to either make it hard for the church or to destroy 
it.It is taught that there is a seperation of church and state but 
witht he bill to rewrite the constitution.To rewrite it would be a 
great blow against the church.Fire comes in may forms to destroy what 
is constructed correctly.God has created the universe in Righteousness 
and Satan is the fire to destroy it but will fail.This of course is 
speaking of that Fire in which is used for that purpose but not that 
fire which is used to construct.The fire of GOD is different than the 
fire of Satan both are fire but have different uses.Well God bless and 
take care.I know this is a rough draft but non the less is here for us.

    Kenneth Wilson N.Y.