interracial marriage

Tyler Nally (
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 10:26:17 CDT

Bro. Kenneth Wilson wrote:

*      I disagree with you about not believeing in Inter racial 
* marriages.The Bible is the sole authority of what we can and cannot do 
* not the sin of unbelievers.The Bible also says persecution is of Sin.We 
* must not allow sin to dictate what we can and cannot do.

Yeah... about the only case against international/interracial marraiges
in the Bible occured when the Isrealites chased after (and married) women
of different cultures.  When they did this, they often times brought idols
into their households and Israel went into idolatry, etc.  Though the Bible
doesn't expressly prohibit such a practice, it simply warns against it (for
that reason.)  God didn't want the Israelites to bring the idols in and as
a warning he said keep away from the foreign women.  I liken this unto the
NT "being yoked with an unbeliever" in the terms of Isreal/Non-Israel 
relationships.  Not because of difference of race or skin color, but because 
of differences in the target of worship.

Bro. Tyler