Vacationing with the church in Louisiana (
Mon, 2 Aug 1999 20:08:27 EDT

Robert Taylor wrote:

If ever a little lower down in the State of Louisiana, visit our Church.  
Pentecostal Of Denham Springs.  I think you will agree, there is the same 
going on ...Praise God.  The Pentecostals of Alexandria are powerful.   I 
they are a fore runner of great churches in La..  My wife and I went there 
25 yrs ago.  We were amazed to see that it was different from the Oneness UP
Churches we were used to.  I remember that Sunday Morning, yes I said a Sunday
morning, the Holy Ghost moved so powerfully.  Sister Vesta Mangun was teaching
the class, and she said this, "Saints Of God, worship the Lord in Tongues".
Why, we had never heard such.   We were talked that you nearly had to knocked
out cold, before you could talk in tongues.  "Don't get too wild, or people 
think we are "free"or "latter rain" pentecostals.  During those years, our
churches had become so cold!!   Times were good, and people thought too much 
how much we could gain, materially.    Even the camp meetings had become just
gathering places.  Praise God leaders have come in that teaches the old ways 
to worship.
We are taught to worship and praise God!!!  That is what it takes to please
God.   If we don't not praise Him, someone else will.  Even the rocks, if the
need be.

Come visit us at the First Pentecostal Church of Denham Springs!!!!  We have
been in a constant revival for more years than I can remember.  People are
constantly being added to the Church of God.  Thank the Lord, our Pastor and
his wife got the vision to worship and praise God!!!   Fasting, Prayer, and
WORSHIP, get the job done.  Programs are good, but that is not how to get the
job done.
Oh yes, sometimes we even dance, leap, run in the Holy Ghost.  Some of the
neighboring UPC folks say we are a little wild
But their  churches are the same size they were 20 years ago.


Praise God! Glad to hear that tradition is not choking the life out of some 
churches. We should hold fast to what we know to be true, but if our services 
have no life, and we are not producing babies, then we are essentially dead. 
I've been to your church more than once. I was visiting friends that go 
there. My brother and his wife went there for a short period of time. It's a 
fantastic church, and they loved going there. Do you know Dale Fontenot? He's 
a friend of mine and I know he is not doing well. He does not return phone 
calls. If you know how he is doing, would  you let me know? Jim Henry is also 
a friend that I haven't seen in quite awhile. If you talk to him, tell him 
that Brian in Houston said hello. It's good to hear of revival in different 
areas. God is moving!
God bless