Second chance? was, a *slight error*...

"Tyler Nally" (
Fri, 6 Aug 1999 13:01:23 -0500

Bro Litteral scribeth....

>At any rate, the addition of a day every four years doesn't totally
>*justify* our calendar.  There is still a minute or so that isn't used up.
>I'm not quite certain, but every few hundred years or so, they would have to
>add ANOTHER day to be totally correct.  Why, if they didn't, in a few
>hundred thousand millinia, we might celebrate the Sabbath on the WRONG DAY.

Welllll...... kinda.

Leap days are given once every four years because of the accumulation of
extra time over the course of four years of the earths space travel around
the sun.  That's why we get an *extra* day every 4th year (if the year is
divisble by 4 evenly with no remainder).

The other test of "leap day" comes when the year is evenly divisble by
100.  If the year is evenly divisible by 100 (like 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000,
2100, 2200, etc.) it must also be divisible by 400 to qualify for a leap
day (as an extra correction once every 400 years).  Of the years mentioned
above, only the year 2000 will be a leap year where Feb 29th exists.  All
others are normal years without a leap day.

It's really kinda interesting, that if/when the year 2100 comes around, the
last valid leap day would have been Feb 29, 2096.... but they have to wait
until Feb 29, 2104 to have a leap day.  They've gotta go 8 years down the
road from the last to have a leap year all because 2100 isn't divided 
evenly by 400.  I personally don't think I'll be *in-the-flesh* enjoying
the times here on earth at that time as it might be during the time of
the millenial reign of Christ on earth and I just can't imagine being 142
years old to make it to the year 2100 to begin with.  Medical technology 
would have to dramatically be able to preserve life and prevent disease
and aging in order for me to live with such a long lifespan.

Now, as to whether we can justify the *calendar* or not, I have no idea.
I think the calendar was goofed up before it was straightened up by one
of them Caesars a long long time ago.  To me, if it was not right then,
it's probably still not right now.

Bro Tyler
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  "...prefer to hear educated blessings preach than ignorant blessing!"
  - Bro Robert Jay Brown III