Time Zones (was: billion+ seconds)

"Robert J. Brown" (rj@eli.elilabs.com)
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 18:13:56 -0500

>>>>> "Tyler" == Tyler Nally <tnally@iquest.net> writes:

    Tyler> Sis Laura scribeth...
    >> I have a question.  If time began, and it began at the same
    >> time everywhere, why are there time zones, and who is right?
    >> Is it today, or is it tomorrow?  Is today Wednesday or
    >> Thursday?  I know part of it is so that it's night when it's
    >> dark, all the way around the world (I think), but who is
    >> actually right?  Just wondering

    Tyler> "Time" is a relative thing.

Absolutely correct, in all of its Einsteinien glory.  :-)

    Tyler> Time did start at the sime time for the whole earth.

Absolutely wrong, as if this statement were true, the first one above
would not be true.  This second statement violates the principle of
"action at a distance" and "first messenger".  This is the origin of
the "twins paradox".  Check any good introductory text on general

--------  "And there came a writing to him from Elijah"  [2Ch 21:12]  --------
R. J. Brown III  rj@elilabs.com http://www.elilabs.com/~rj  voice 847 543-4060
Elijah Laboratories Inc. 457 Signal Lane, Grayslake IL 60030  fax 847 543-4061
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