Time Zones (was: billion+ seconds)

"Tyler Nally" (tnally@iquest.net)
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 00:08:05 -0500

Bro Brown scribeth....

> >>>>> "Tyler" == Tyler Nally <tnally@iquest.net> writes:
>     Tyler> Sis Laura scribeth...
>     >> I have a question.  If time began, and it began at the same
>     >> time everywhere, why are there time zones, and who is right?
>     >> Is it today, or is it tomorrow?  Is today Wednesday or
>     >> Thursday?  I know part of it is so that it's night when it's
>     >> dark, all the way around the world (I think), but who is
>     >> actually right?  Just wondering
>     Tyler> "Time" is a relative thing.
> Absolutely correct, in all of its Einsteinien glory.  :-)
>     Tyler> Time did start at the sime time for the whole earth.
> Absolutely wrong, as if this statement were true, the first one above
> would not be true.  This second statement violates the principle of
> "action at a distance" and "first messenger".  This is the origin of
> the "twins paradox".  Check any good introductory text on general
> relativity

Hmmmmmmmmm...... there seems to be a misplacing of what I was
trying to say....   

*Time*, as in *same time* should be used in a tense like *moment* 
not as in *time zone*.    Example.... if we were to claim that the 
origin of the earth had a specific date and time that we knew (for the
sakes of example, we'll say it was September 24, 4235 BC 00:00:00
Zulu time) at that exact moment (instant of time), the earth was created.

However, relativity says that depending on where you were on the planet,
the time might have been Sept 24, 4235 BC 01:00:00 +0100 or 
Sept 24, 4235 BC 07:00:00 +0700 or even Sept 23, 4235 BC 22:00:00
-0200.  All different *times* (as in time zones) but still the same instant

Bro Tyler