Time Zones (was: billion+ seconds)

"Michael A. Endsley" (mandm@alaska.com)
Sat, 14 Aug 1999 13:21:52 -0800

At 12:46 PM 08/14/1999 -0800, you wrote:
Tom Raddatz is on HIGHER FIRE????  :)
Welcome aboard, Bro!
Watch out everybody...you have been forewarned ;)
oh, umm, btw Tom, it is a good comment.

ps- since nobody knows, Tom and I are neighbours, brothers in the Lord, etc..

>In addition to Bro. Nally's scholastic treatise...
>Here's a cool thought (to me, anyway) about time and God. If you want to
>understand the omnipresence and eternality of God, remember that God is
>likened to the wind. It's an especially perfect analogy as far as time is
>concerned. The wind is not bound by the same zones that we physical
>creatures are- it surrounds the whole creation- from beginning to end, at
>the same time, without contradiction. Such is our God!! And therein also
>lies an analogy with the fact that time is only relative to us and our
>temporal condition, but that God transcends time, for He dwells in the true
>dimension of "reality".
>-bro. Tom Raddatz 
>(Greetings from Sterling Alaska, and I'm happily UPC as of the first of this
>year, BTW. Something I once said to this list that I would never be! :-)
>Previously independent Apostolic for 15 years.)
>I'll probably jst go back to lurking now, but God bless you all!