For your information

"Caryle & Anneliese" (
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 08:36:04 -0400

> Pentecostal Friends, I post to the newsgroup listed below.  It is
> supposed to be a Pentecostal group, but I think it is a den of
> I have snipped a post from the group for you to look at.  T here
are a
> lot of folks that e-mail privately for answers.  The trinitarians
> us!!!!  Pray about it, and if you feel led, subscribe to the group
> help some of us out. The World needs our One God message.

Forgive me, but I think you are making the common mistake of
equating "pentecostal" with "apostolic".  Pentecostals are simply
those who believe in the reality of the phenomenon of speaking in
tongues as moved by the Holy Spirit to do so.  *Apostolics* are
those who believe in the Oneness of God, baptize in Jesus' name,
believe that the infilling of the Holy Ghost is characterized in
part by speaking in tongues (which makes them also pentecostal),
etc., etc.  So, Apostolics are one group out of many (including
trinitarians) that believe in this experience.

One can be pentecostal by definition, but *not* be apostolic.  There
are pentecostal groups in nearly all christian denominations.  There
is a large and growing pentecostal movement within the catholic
church (much to the pope's dismay).  These people have *not*
converted religions!  They are still catholic.

So, it is quite possible, and legitimate, for a trinitarian
newsgroup to call themselves "pentecostal", but not be oneness.  As
long as they believe in speaking in tongues by the power of the Holy
Ghost, they are pentecostal.  If they also believe in Oneness,
baptism in Jesus' name, etc., they are apostolic.  (And there are
several different denominations that can legitimately claim to be
apostolic, too.)

But, don't fret...the Bible says the Spirit will guide us into all
truth.  At least they have found that Guide!  :-)
