For your information

"G.W. Sullivan" (
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 09:17:57 -0400

Dave wrote:

> Dave responds:
> That's interesting...Jehovah's Witnesses say everyone who disagrees with
> them hates them...Mormons say the same thing. My point? Just because one
> may disagree with another on theology does not mean they hate you. They
> may disagree with you doctrinally, but that's no reason to accuse them
> of hating. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Do you hate
> trinitarians? If you answer "yes", then you need to repent. Do you
> disagree wtih them? If you answer "yes" you have the right to do so and
> yet not hate them. Please don't accuse them as such. 

 When you don't know the context of the conversation, you should refrain
from commenting. I don't use the word *hate* lightly. I do not hate
trinis, you didn't read that in my post. What I DID say was they hate
us. I have seen that demonstrated over and over again. Not ALL of them
do, bu there are some in the two channels mentioned who will follow
oneness people from room to room slandering and attacking them. When the
discussion leaves rights and wrongs in theology and sinks to nothing but
name calling the spirit and attitude behind the comments become
abundantly clear. 
 It would seem that in your haste to jump on board againt my
observation, you have a little too quickly chosen sides. Very
interesting. I pastor a home mission work in S.W. Florida and deal with
trinitarians constantly. There is not a single one who has attended our
church, or a Bible study who can accuse me of not dealing with them in
love and concern. Nobody's "throwing the baby out with the bath water". 
 I want to lead those who would disagree with us to a knowledge of
truth; but if you think that means compromise, forget it. When they
demonstrate their hatred for the doctrine of the original church, I have
an example who called them "whited sepulchers; snakes; vipers;
hypocrites". This "let's all just love each other and get along"
mentality doesn't work with those who have rejected truth. They *hate*
this truth and anyone who will not compromise it.