oneness and sacred name - friends or adversaries ?

"Robert J Faron" (
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 17:54:51 -0400

> PM
> Shalom Higher-Fire,
>     Those who are interested in the issue of the Name of the Saviour,
> (Jesus, Yahoshua ?) and especially the correlation of the following
>     1) Oneness Doctrine
>     2) Early Pentecostal Pioneers (e.g. Frank Ewert, Andrew Urshan)
>     3) The "Sacred Name" Movement

     You have my curiousity peaked.  You often talk about oneness, but you
attend a messianic church.  I could be mistaken here but aern't they
trinitarian.  You attend Bethel once in a while, we teach a different
doctrine than your church.  Which one do you believe.  