For your information

"G.W. Sullivan" (
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 23:42:01 -0400

Dave wrote:
> The times when Jesus confronted the Pharisees, the religious leaders,
> was when they would attack Jesus. Read Matthew 23 for an example of
> this. The Pharisees were furious because Jesus accepted sinners who
> didn't have the long robes and prayed the long prayers. He accepted
> whosover will.

The Pharisees are the ones I'm referring to. Jesus didn't seek out the
Pharisees to bring the message of salvation. He said the "sick" (or
those who could acknowledge their sickness) were the ones he came to. As
I mentioned before, I say again; the vehemence that is exhibited against
the oneness doctrine, is prompted by the same spirit that has caused the
death of countless apostolic believers since the first century; and I
must address Robert Brown's amen to your post. Yes! Jesus was crucified
for standing up to the religious leaders of his day; but, if you are of
a mind to do less, you will not make it. Jesus said if you seek to save
your life you will lose it; but, if you will lose your life for HIS
sake, you will find it. Don't fool yourself; when the word talks about
being hated of all men for his names' sake, it didn't mean just a
 The Bible tells of the time (right around the corner) when we would be
delivered up to death for what we believe. You can NOT appease a spirit!
You can not compromise with a spirit! You must earnestly contend (fight)
for THE faith which was once delivered to the saints.
 Don't take my statements out of context, I have Bible studied 2
trinitarians in the last 2 days. Both were treated with love and
respect. But, neither were so set in their "anti-oneness" mode that they
would not see the scriptures. I have respect for those who honestly do
not see it; but, I see people who are "willfully ignorant concerning the
truth". Those who despise those that are following the word of God. I
had a man tell me that my problem was that I followed the Bible instead
of getting some good solid teaching from various historical authors.
 We will be judged by the word; I'll stick to the word. I know you'll
disagree with this, as will many others. Post what you like, I'll read
it, but I've said all there is to say on this matter.
 As to the Pastor who has a small home mission with 15 people, I can't
judge him. I don't know if he is being too harsh, or it just seems that
way to those who want to find reasons for compromise. That's between him
and God. Our church is growing. God moves MIGHTILY! We see
manifestations of his power on a regular basis; and we hold FAST to the
profession of our faith. My job is to do what Jesus did. We are the body
of Christ (if we are baptized INTO Christ; Romans 6). Our job is what
Jesus sent us to do. What he empowered us to do. To preach *THE Gospel*
to every living creature. Not *A* Gospel. If they will not receive it,
that's between them and God. But, when you stand for truth, you WILL
come up against spirits that *HATE* this message. You don't have to be
around them for long before their true colors show through.
 Again, comment, refute, and reject, but I've said what's on my heart.
God will try every man's works. I have to answer to God just as you do.
All I can say is, I'm reaching trinitarians, and God is revealing the
truth to them. If you can say the same; Lord bless you.
G.W. Sullivan