Luke-walking-with-Jesus (was: Brol, Kirk and others...)

"Tyler Nally" (
Tue, 24 Aug 1999 16:50:44 -0500

The scribor, Bro Timothy Litteral, scribeth ....

> Question for ya brother Tyler:  Which, if any of those *scholars* you quoted
> read and *understood* the bible well enough to deduce that there is ONE AND
> Hmmm...  <scratching bald head in puzzlement that these men are considered
> experts>

I currently don't see the *need* to have a *oneness* historian 
to offer an opinion on the subject.  To me, history is history.
Just like I didn't need a oneness math/algebra/geometry/trigonometry
teacher to teach me math, matters of history shouldn't require that

As to the method they employ (pottery and documentation) they use
to deduce these matters, I know not because I'm not a historian by
trade.  Maybe they had access to public record and memoires that
gave insight to this kind of information.  

I'd say that when matters of history directly apply to salvational
issues... then it should make a difference depending on whatever it
is that is being discussed.  If salvation depends on a historical
event that needs clarity ... which I can't think of many, then yes
it is absolutely necessary to have an apostolic historian on hand.

Salvational issues I think to be important would be (but not limited 
to):  birth of Christ, spoken words of Christ, the Last Supper, the
passion of Christ in the garden called Gethsemane, the betrayal of
Christ, the trial of Christ and last few hours of Christ, the crucifixion
of Christ, the death of Christ, the burial of Christ, the ressurection
of Christ, the ascention of Christ (and words of Christ with it), and
the lives/works of the apostles/disciples.  Though not a complete list
there probably isn't much outside of those things mentioned that really
doesn't make a difference in a heaven/hell issue.  Liiiiiiiike.... how
is it that Matthew (the tax collector) died?  I dunno.  Who cares?

> Seems to be a *disqualifier* as an expert in my book...
> As for historical proof, so far *no one* has offered any.  Historical proof
> would consist of maybe an old tile or piece of pottery.  

If that's what you want, I don't know if anybody can produce a broken
tile or pottery.  And if nobody can... then this subject should be 
declared dead as we then have two different choruses stating two different
points... each getting nowhere.

>The man Bro. Kirk
> quoted read the text and offered his opinion.  I read the text and offered
> my opinion.  Now, you have read the text and offered your opinion along with
> many Godless "scholars".  I don't care how long you have been in school, if
> they aint teachin' the Truth, you waste your time...

Do I really need an apostolic historian to tell me what happened
in the past?  First of all, with the exception of Bro Kirk, I know
of none.  I guess Bro David Bernard might be one.  And I'm sure that
there are more.  Also, I'm not sure I know of many apostolic historians
that are 100% correct.  They might have *truth*, but still the truth they
have isn't *complete*.  How do I even know when they are telling me the
truth or just giving me the normal rhetoric?

> I don't care how long you have studied the bible, if you can't come to a
> saving *knowledge* of the Truth, you have studied in vain.

I'd think that if you're talking about salvation... then the salvation
non-apostolics know is *incomplete*.  The bible isn't only about salvation.
There are part of the bible that don't require the Spirit of the Living
God be an active interpreter of what's written down as the words written
in some places are plainly understood.

Some areas/passages/books of the bible ... yes, go grab an apostolic
for further understanding.   In other areas, sometimes not necessary.

> Like I always say, "A thousand year old mistake amened by the Pope is still
> a mistake."  ;->


> Since the prosecution has raised the issue of textual accuracy, I will, as
> is my right in cross examination, further explore the issue...  

Textual accuracy?  Eh?
Please.... let's explore it.

Bro Tyler
Bro Tyler Nally 
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  "...prefer to hear educated blessings preach than ignorant blessing!"
  - Bro Robert Jay Brown III