For your information

Dave (
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 10:06:39 -0700

GKL wrote:

> The last part about not following the Holy Ghost leading is the key,
> because I know there are many trinity-pentecostals who do have a
> genuine infilling of the Holy Ghost, (I was one of them before I
> followed
> the Spirit's leading into the apostolic truth) but unless they follow
> the Spirit's
> leading into the truth of one God and Jesus name baptism, (both things
> that Jesus Himself said is a *must* to enter the kingdom of God)
> the scriptures say this:
And he quotes Matthew 7:22-23
> .....that indicates that they did have the Holy Ghost to be able to
> cast out devils, but they never allowed the Holy Ghost to lead them
> into the truth that Jesus was the one true God, not a second person of
> a trinity, hence they did not really know who Jesus really was,
> Jesus said He never knew them because they never really knew Him.
Dave responds:
I don't think your interpretation is correct. Jesus said these were
"workers of iniquity" or those who practice sinning. There are a couple
of sins that can prevent a person from entering into heaven. All sins
can be forgiven. However, the sin of "no love or agape" and
"unforgiveness" will definately keep a person from entering into Heaven.
Even the Apostle Paul said in I Cor.13 that he can speak in tongues of
men and angels, but if he did not have charity or love, he was nothing.
So again, I believe your analysis and interpretation of Jesus' words is
not totally accurate. Wouldn't you think that unforgivenenss and a lack
of love will keep a person who claims to have obeyed Acts 2:38 and lives
a holy life out of heaven? It sure will.