For your information

"Robert J Faron" (
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 16:51:28 -0400

> Dave asks:
> Can we honestly say that God truly loves Trinitarian believers without
> the "and's, if's, or but's"??? They are often spoken of as if they are
> evil. They are not. They sincerely love the Lord and sincerely believe
> that what they embrace is correct.

That will not get you to heaven, every good Muslim, every good Buddist and
every good devil worshiper believe what they have is correct.  Not everyone
who says Lord Lord will enter into the Kingdom, but only those that do the
will of my Father.  

They don't need anyone attacking them and 
> trying to straighten them out. 

     Yes they do, maybe not attacking but straightening them out.  Someone
needs to tell them that what they believe is a lie.  If they don't come to
the fullness of the truth (I am talking about repentance, baptism In Jesus
Name and infilling of the Holy Ghost) than they will go to hell.  I am not
being judgemental I am just saying what they bible teaches.  

When are we going to let the Holy Ghost be 
> the Holy Ghost who lead and guides men into all truth????

One plants a seed, another one waters but God gives the increase.  It is up
to us to tell them the truth, that is the great comission, God of course
will do the real work, but we are to preach the gospel to every lost soul. 

>                                                     Robert