For your information

Dave (
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 22:48:44 -0700

Laura Fear wrote:
> I agree totally with what Sis. Dorris.  I have been called "cult girl",
> "freak", etc. even by my own family, and especially last year (when I fully
> came into the truth). 

Dave asks:
Do you give them a reason to call you names? I'm not condoning what they
do, but sometimes, we can provoke people who are not saved.

Laura Fear:
 It bothers them, because somewhere inside them, there
> is a conviction from God.  They know they are wrong.  They are starting to
> see that, too.

Dave asks:
Maybe it doesn't bother them...but they don't agree with everything you
practice. Maybe they see it as non-essential because their church
doesn't teach it the exact same way. I'm sure it bothers you the way
they dress, but would they say you are under conviction? See, they can
turn the tables around.

Laura Fear:
> We (meaning oneness people) make many
> others feel uncomfortable, but they see something in us that they respect.

Well, I have a relative who makes me feel uncomfortable. He is Apostolic
all the way and when he comes over for the holidays, he takes over the
table, starts preaching, pounding his fist on the table, condemns the
woman of how they dress, and I just get up and go sit down and watch TV.
Later, he comes and joins me. I tell him "Aren't you supposed to refrain
from watching TV?" He replies "Well, it doesn't hurt once in a while."
Now tell me, is that real? I don't think so. The reason why many of us
don't feel comfortable around him is because he is too critical and
condemning. My Bible tells me that it's the goodness of God that leads
me to repentance. See Romans 2:4.

Laura Fear:
> The people who seemed to hate me most last year, have told me in one way or
> another that they respect me.

Dave asks:
So they must not hate you right? Just because someone doesn't agree with
the way we believe doesn't make them "haters".

Laura Fear:
> Just a few days ago,
> three people looked straight at me, and called me my friend. 

That's wonderful! When a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his
enemies to be at peace with him. So again, they don't hate you! 

Laura Fear:
> There is
> something about us that stands out from the rest. Even if their flesh can't
> recognize it, their spirit does.  They watch everything we (Oneness people)
> do. Yes, many people hate us, but because of what we carry around inside of
> us. 

Dave responds:
Actually, I find that many don't understand the Spirit of God and they
long for it. They don't "hate us" necessarily. Atheists hate us! But
people in general don't. Again, my whole point is this: Just because
people disagree with our standards or the way some dress doesn't mean
they hate us. If all they can see is outward clothing, then we're no
different from the world. But if they see the Burden Removing Yoke
Destroying Anointing of God on our lives, then yes, this is what they
see in us that's different...not the way one dresses outwardly. Not even
God looks at the outward as man does. He looks at the heart. Glory!