
"G.W. Sullivan" (
Mon, 30 Aug 1999 13:27:07 -0400

> I hope this satisfies you. You seem to be direct with me just because I
> refuse to go about it the way you do. Not everyone uses the same
> approach as you do, i.e.,  confrontational, direct, etc. You can really
> turn a lot of people off. I'm not interested in scattering, I'm
> interested in reaching out to the lost without beating them over the
> head with the Bible (just a figure of speech)

 I appreciate your response. I only kept the portion I wanted to respond
to. The rest is a still a little vague, but I'll leave it alone.
 As to being confrontational and direct; the only way to get clear
answers is by asking clear, direct questions. The word says that
judgement begins at the house of God.
(1 Peter 4:17) We will be judged by what we do with what we know.(Luke
 I've said this before, but don't think that my direct questioning of
someone who is supposed to be of the apostolic faith is the way that I
deal with those who don't know the difference. I won't get into a
bragging contest, but I can show much fruit to back up my approach to
the lost. But, I have learned that until a person realizes that they are
lost, they can never find salvation. I am not interested in scattering
either, but 
when Jesus comes back for HIS church, I want to be ready, and to have
told as many as will listen, of this glorious salvation. I can't speak
for others, but I can say that I don't *beat* people over the head with
the Bible, but I don't embrace everything that calls it'self Christian
either. We must try the spirits, whether they be of God. (1 Jn 4:1)
 When I see someone attacking holiness, and glorifying trinitarian
churches, and apparently equating their beliefs with those of
apostolics, I have to ask myself, and ultimately you, "what is the
motivation here?" To know the truth is not enough, the word says if you
do not receive a *love* for the truth, God, himself, will send a strong
dilusion that they might believe a lie and be damned. (2 Thes.2:11) I'm
not judging you, I am only showing my train of thought. 
 I will not try to convince you that my way is best. If you have had
more success in getting trinitarians baptized in Jesus name and filled
(if not already) with the Holy Ghost, that's great. But, if all you're
doing is being "buddy-buddy" with them, their blood will be on your
hands. We know too much to keep silent.
 The old saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". As long as I
see new people coming to a knowledge of truth, and submitting to the
born again experience in the word of God, I'll kep on witnessing, and
Bible studying, and preaching what I know to be true.