
"S. Welch" (
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 21:04:46 -0400

I have a question for you all.

This has to do with salvation, and a question my husband has asked me.
Let me know what you think?
Fox book of martyrs... The people burned at the stakes had been given a
revelation.  Seemingly,  the dark ages were beginning to unravel and the
Roman Church empire was being challenged.  Probably, the printing press
aided in this enlightenment.  The 1000's of souls martyred by the Roman
Church and cronies purposed in their hearts to die a slow horrible death for
the new truths rather than to recant their beliefs and go free.

Will these souls have salvation even though they perhaps did not have the
fully unraveled truth that was from the beginning of the church (acts) but
was lost and shrouded in mysticism by the doctrines of men.

My husband feels that it may be possible those souls and others will be
judged according to what knowledge they were given.... sort of like the
talents that were issued were issued in different amounts and they were
judged by what they were given.

Let me know what you think,   (flaming is not necessary).

S. Welch