JW & Jan again!

"Robert J. Brown" (rj@eli.wariat.org)
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 05:17:33 -0500

>>>>> "OEystein" == OEystein Hokstad <oeystein@nvg.unit.no> writes:

    OEystein> For those of you that know Jan, I thought this may be of
    OEystein> interest.

    OEystein> OEystein ------- http://www.nvg.unit.no/~oeystein

    OEystein> Internet Censorship - Another Cult Takes Action -
    OEystein> 21/9/95
    OEystein> ---------------------------------------------------------

    OEystein> The habit of US cults to squash dissent on the internet
    OEystein> is spreading. Now it's the Jehovah's Witnesses, the
    OEystein> religious group which markets the literature of the
    OEystein> multi-billion dollar Watchtower Corpation of New York.

    OEystein> In an uncanny parallel to other developments, the
    OEystein> censorship action itself has happened in Scandinavia -
    OEystein> at the University of Bergen, where a student has been
    OEystein> active on the Internet, countering sect recruiting, and
    OEystein> broadcasting information (such as WatchTower
    OEystein> anti-Semitism in 1930s Germany) that cult members would
    OEystein> rather keep covered up.

    OEystein> Jan Steinar Haugland, the gagged student, was a cult
    OEystein> member until earlier this year, when he was
    OEystein> excommunicated - with consequent shunning by friends and
    OEystein> family - over an arcane doctrine (that some people alive
    OEystein> in the year 1914 would also see the battle of
    OEystein> Armageddon) which, ironically, has this month been
    OEystein> abandoned.

    OEystein> Unfortunately for Mr Haugland, the System Manager at the
    OEystein> University of Bergen responsible for Internet access, is
    OEystein> a loyal cult member, and with just 3 hours notice,
    OEystein> unilaterally closed the Apostate's account, denying Mr
    OEystein> Haugland all access to the Internet.

Being the free market type American that I am, I would suggest that
Mr. Haugland seek another provider for his internet access.  Was his a
university account given to him without his having to pay for it?  I
pay $95.00 US per month for my 24 hour per day 7 day per week access.

Or is the government the *ONLY* provider over there?  If so,
Mr. Haugland should seek another *COUNTRY* in which to reside and
conduct his internet communications.  Even many third world countries
have internet access provided by private companies, with the only
regulation being that you pay your bill on time.

    OEystein> If you care about net censorship, about freedom of
    OEystein> speech, and about private individuals being silenced by
    OEystein> power groups, then please make your voice heard NOW,
    OEystein> before the rollercoaster of censorship picks up speed -
    OEystein> it could be you and your freedoms next.

    OEystein> The Postmaster directly responsible for closing this
    OEystein> account is:-

    OEystein>         Hans Morten Kind <Kind@edb.uib.no>

    OEystein> However, please note that Mr Kind is only acting on
    OEystein> orders from above, and is not personally responsible for
    OEystein> the decision to silence Mr Haugland. That man is:-

    OEystein>         Kenneth Hostland <hostland@edb.uib.no>

    OEystein> Polite, but firm, expressions of concern are invited.

    OEystein> September 21st, 1995
    OEystein> ------------------------------------------------------------
    OEystein> This Press Release Is A Public Service By TowerWatch

--"Hear now my reasoning, and harken to the pleadings of my lips." [Jb 13:6]--
Robert J. Brown  (Bob/Rj)   rj@eli.wariat.org  1 708 705-0370 (vmail/fax/data)
Elijah Laboratories Inc;  759 Independence Drive;  Suite 5;  Palatine IL 60074
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