We don't need no stinkin' edjukashun

Richard Masoner (richardm@cd.com)
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 12:33:10 -0500

Kyle> Irregardless of how you look at it, education is a necessary
Kyle> predeterminant for salvation.  

I guess I missed this statement the first time it came around, and I
very well could be taking this very much out of context, BUT consider:

* The tens of thousands of saints in Ethiopia -- what is their education
level?  If they have, say, "only" 6 years of education are they not saved?

* The 3000 baptized on the day of Pentecost A.D. 33 -- did they first
get a 10 week home Bible study explaining in detail that baptism is
a type of the O.T. circumcision that identifies the church with Christ,
and that applying the blood is a type of applying the blood of the
Passover lamb, etc?
