General Conference Rooms Available (
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 12:40:52 -0500

Greetings, fellow apostolic subscribers!!

I have a friend (a UPC evangelist) who has three (3) rooms in the Des Moines
area reserved which he doesn't need.

One room is at the Best Western (3 miles from the Civic Center), the rate is
$65 per night, including tax.

Two rooms are at the Bugdet Host Inn (7 or 8 miles from the Civic Center),
their rate is $50.40 per night, including tax.

All the rooms have 2 double beds, and are reserved from Thursday, the 12th,
for five nights.

Anyone who would be interested, please e-mail me (at by
Saturday the 7th of October.  (My friend will cancel the unused rooms by
Monday, the 9th.)

In Christ alone,

Bro. D. E. Haymon, II