Prophecy already fulfilled? (fwd)

"Robert J. Brown" (
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 02:49:19 -0500

>>>>> "OEystein" == OEystein Hokstad <> writes:

    OEystein> I will certainly not disagree with the idea that
    OEystein> fulfilled prophecy is eternally valid. What is dangerous
    OEystein> is when people start expecting some *real*, literal
    OEystein> fulfillment in their own lifetime, and start looking at
    OEystein> imagined signs that this is true. Talking about an
    OEystein> "imminent return" for 2000 years cannot help the
    OEystein> credibility of Christianity.

I agree that setting a date, or even an upper bound, on His coming
back for His Church is in contradiction with the scriptures:

 Mt 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of    
    heaven, but my Father only.                                               

 Mt 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein   
    the Son of man cometh.                                                    

 Mr 13:32 But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not the         
    angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.              

But we should certainly behave ourselves as though he *COULD* come
immediately.  Looking at the phrophetic scriptures that have been
fulfilled that are prerequisite to his coming helps us stay excited
about the event.

--"Hear now my reasoning, and harken to the pleadings of my lips." [Jb 13:6]--
Robert J. Brown  (Bob/Rj)  1 708 705-0370 (vmail/fax/data)
Elijah Laboratories Inc;  759 Independence Drive;  Suite 5;  Palatine IL 60074
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