We don't need no stinkin' edjukashun

miykael@pnx.com (miykael@pnx.com)
Sat, 7 Oct 1995 08:23:36 -0500

 H>On Thu, 5 Oct 1995 12:35:19 -0500, you wrote:

 H>>I guess I missed this statement the first time it came around, and I
 H>>very well could be taking this very much out of context, BUT
 H>>* The tens of thousands of saints in Ethiopia -- what is their
 H>>level?  If they have, say, "only" 6 years of education are they not

 H>No, the idea is just plain wrong. The only qualification for
 H>the gift of God is obedience. In America we've got the idea that
 H>"hearing how Jesus died for me" is somehow at the root of it, and of
 H>course education plays little part in that too.

 H> While the essence of that message is present, the new birth occurs
 H>through obedience when someone sets their hearts to worship the true
 H>God and magnifies the name of Jesus. Spiritual Africans generally
 H>reach this point quickly upon realizing that Jesus is the god who
 H>the material of the idols and nature which they have worshipped.


I will have to agree with you both, as I understand both of your points
of view.  I do not feel that a person needs an advanced Bible Study in
order to be saved, but I do believe what the Bible says...
How shall they believe in whom they have not heard?

On the Day of Pentecost, the Jewish people already knew of ideas such
as Repentance, Baptism, etc.. so Peter did not have to preach an
elborate sermon.  However, the idea is not the same when it came to the
jailor.  The answer he received was, "Believe on the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ and you and your household shall be saved." 
(paraphrased).  This man was in a crisis situtation.  He has just
attempted suicide and needed some reassuring faith.  Now, we understand
that this is not the ONLY thing the apostle preached to the man,
because later in the text, we see that the jailor's entire family
listened to more teaching about the saving works of Christ, and thus
all were baptized...etc... >> "How shall they believe in whom they have
not heard?" <<

A person does not need an advanced education about the salvation, but
they DO need to know what salvation is and who Jesus is, etc.  There is
a far difference between these two systems of thought.  Knowledge OF
God is necessary to please God - "For he that cometh to God, must
believe that He is [exists]."  But, knowing ALL about God is not
necessary for the saving Grace of God.

Michael Frazier