Home Schooling

Ronald J. Bowden (editor@heart)
Sat, 7 Oct 1995 16:44:13 -0500

Well here it is in HTML ... couldn't find the ascii:
You can http://www.win.net/~heart_talk/welcome.html and see
it as well as a lot of other information on home education
if you would rather. 

<html> <title>Home Education FAQ</title>
<h1>Home Education Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</h1>
<h2>General Questions About Homeschooling</h2>
<h3>1. Why do people choose to educate their children at home?</h3>
<p>Aaron Falbel &lt;falbel@media-lab.media.mit.edu&gt; answers:
    "There are probably four major reasons why people choose to keep
    their children out of school:
    "1. Religious reasons -- people feel that schools do not address
    the spiritual issues and values that they want to convey to their
    children.  In addition, schools do teach other ideas (e.g.
    evolution) that are at odds with their religious beliefs.
    "2. Schools are bad for kids -- These people also want to shield
    their children from the harmful effects of school, but not
    primarily due to their spiritual values.  Often their children have
    tried school and have had bad experiences there.  These parents
    have seen their children come home from school depressed, angry,
    feeling stupid.  In earlier years, these same children used to be
    curious, energetic, and happy.  Other times, parents don't even
    wait for school to have such deleterious effects.  They never send
    their kids to school in the first place, knowing full well what
    will be in store for them.
    "3. Political beliefs -- Some people choose to homeschool because
    of their political beliefs, which tend toward libertarian or
    anarchist leanings.  These people try to disengage themselves as
    far as they can from institutions of all kinds that encroach on
    their freedom.  These families practice an ethic of self-reliance.
    They are frequently rural, back-to-the-land types, and frown not
    only upon schools, but also upon hospitals, prisons, the military,
    large corporations, and in general, most of the systems and
    institutions of industrial society.
    "4. Close Family -- Some people homeschool simply because they like
    their children too much to send them away on the school bus each
    weekday morning.  They enjoy the company of their children and
    wouldn't dream of surrendering them over to some impersonal agency
    and deprive them of what they feel in a close, loving, nurturing
    "Note well, however, that these group are by no means distinct.
    There is considerable overlap among all four groups.  There are
    also, to be sure, some major differences."
Alan Moses &lt;alan@edstar.gse.ucsb.edu&gt; adds:
    "I'd like to phrase an answer to this question in a positive sense,
    without resorting to comparisons with school.  In addition to the
    religious, anti-school, political, and family reasons for
    homeschooling, people homeschool for **educational** reasons;
    namely that human beings learn best when they are following their
    interests, that learning is a natural activity that is not
    dependent on teaching, that learning is an activity that takes
    place in the world and thus involves family and community as well
    as the individual, and that homeschooling provides the best
    environment to support this concept of learning."
Rowan Hawthorne &lt;rowan@sea.east.sun.com&gt; shamelessly advertises:
    "If you are interested in child-centered learning, you might want
     to try The Learning List.  Write to learning-request@sea.east.sun.com
     and ask for a copy of the charter."
<h3>2. What is the difference between homeschooling and unschooling?</h3>
>Alan Moses &lt;alan@edstar.gse.ucsb.edu&gt;:
<p>    "As I understand the way the Growing Without Schooling crowd uses
    the terms, unschooling refers more to the process of removing your
    child from school and overcoming the negative effects of the
    compulsory education process; homeschooling is the more general
    term referring to home-based learning.  I'd love to come up with a
    better term than homeschooling, due to the implication that the
    child is spending all their time at home (see my comments on
    "socialization" below); but it's the best I've seen so far."
Heather Millen &lt;rpm1@cornell.edu&gt;:
<p>    The process explained [above] could actually be considered
    "de-schooling" rather than unschooling.  Unschooling is child-led
    learning in a home environment rather than duplicating school and
    its curriculums at home.  Most unschoolers don't follow lesson
    plans, or even have "school learning" time structured into their
    day.  Subjects are covered when the child's interest dictates not
    when the "educational experts" say its time for every child to
    know that subject.
David Mankins &lt;dm@world.std.com&gt;:
<p>    Unschooling, for this unschooler, is based in the beliefs that
- are incredible learning machines, as shown by their ability to learn
      language and to function in society with little or no explicit
- are insatiably curious about the adult world,<BR>
- and are driven to learn by these features, and sometimes children
      learn *despite* our attempts to teach them!<BR>
    Unschoolers also believe, or at least this unschooler believes, that
    *imposing* an agenda on a child is more counter-productive than
    helpful, because it doesn't take the child seriously.
    I think a lot of this can be justified by reflecting on one's own
    learning experiences.  Nobody makes me learn new things, I just do
    because learning is fun, or because I want to know about this subject
    for my own purposes (even if those purposes are as prosaic as
    justifying my paycheck).  The same is true for children.
    I think it is also motivated by a certain kind of respect for the
    rights of children.  *I* don't want to be told what or when to study,
    what right have I to tell another what to do and when?
    Unschooling requires a lot of faith in your child, that they will
    learn the things that are important for them to know despite not being
    ``forced'' to, that their seemingly patternless play is
    experimentation that will pay off in insight, and that they will stick
    to a subject through the ``hard parts''.  Again, reflecting on one's
    own experience can help solidify this faith, as can reflecting on the
    behavior of one's own children.
<h3>3.What are the regulations for homeschooling in my state?<BR>
    How many days/hours are you required to teach?<BR>
    At what age is my child required to attend school?</h3>
Sandra Petit &lt;Sandra_Petit@agwbbs.new-orleans.LA.US&gt; offers:
<p>    "I have the Home School Manual, and the Home School Source Book.  I
    would be happy to answer any queries regarding school age, required
    hours or other state regulations, as stated within these sources.
    The books are copyright 1990 but laws change pretty fast.  However,
    it would be a starting point for a beginner.  I don't know the
    legalities of actually putting the entire section here so I would
    hesitate to do that."
    [ See the resources section below for more information on these
      books.  Remember to try your local library first! ]
<h3>4.  Where can I get textbooks for a relatively low cost?</h3>
    The first place to go should always be your local, county, state or
    university library.
    [ Anybody have good ideas here for purchasing books and textbooks? ]
<h3>5. What about "socialization?"</h3>
Sandra Petit &lt;Sandra_Petit@agwbbs.new-orleans.LA.US&gt; mentions:
<p>     "I also usually mention that the socialization I think my child
     would get at school is not the kind I would choose for her
     myself.  I don't mean that there are not any good children at
     public school.  Of course that's not true.  However, if your child
     is home then you can better control the outside influences on that
     child, particularly as a very young person-before their values can
     withstand peer pressure."
Alan Moses &lt;alan@edstar.gse.ucsb.edu&gt; remembers:
<p>    "I attended the Northern California Homeschool Association
    conference this past weekend in Sacramento, and David Colfax
    commented that the media has pretty much stopped asking him the
    "socialization" question, since it's becoming obvious that
    homeschoolers are the best socialized kids in the country.  This
    matches my perception of our kids and their friends - in small
    groups, on camping trips, and in large groups like the conference,
    it is a pleasure to see kids of mixed ages and interests
    interacting with consideration for each other and a minimum of
    hassles.  One friend of mine takes a pre-emptive approach to "the
    socialization question" (which seems to be the first or second
    thing we all get asked by non-homeschoolers) and the "workbooks at
    the kitchen table" image some non-homeschoolers seem to have.  She
    begins talking about homeschooling by saying, "Two of the things I
    like best about homeschooling are all the positive social contacts
    the kids have, and that they get to spend so much time learning in
    the community."
     Other ideas include:
<p>     Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts<br>
         outside classes (gym, dance, choir, piano, art etc.)<br>
         neighborhood children<br>
         church groups<br></dl>
Dale Parsons &lt;dale@mhcnet.att.com&gt; forwards the following quote from
Seymour Papert (one of the principle developers of the Logo
programming language and Lego Professor of Education Research at MIT):
    Nothing enrages me more than when people criticize my criticism
      of school by telling me that schools are not just places to learn
      maths and spelling, they are places where children learn a vaguely
      defined thing called socialization.                                  
        I know.  I think schools generally do an effective and terribly     
      damaging job of teaching children to be infantile, dependent,        
      intellectually dishonest, passive and disrespectful to their own     
      developmental capacities.  I think that the examples I have given
      of learning in a computational environment provide a glimpse of a    
      context for learning in which socialization would be based on a      
      potentiation of the individual, an empowering sense of one's own     
      ability to learn anything one wants to know, conditioned by deep
      understanding of how these abilities are amplified by belonging      
      to cultures and communities.                                         
       Seymour Papert
      "Tomorrow's classrooms," **New Horizons in Educational Computing**
       from a 1982 interview
        SCHOOLED STUDENTS.  Shyers, L. Edward, Ph.D. University of
        Florida, 1992.  311pp. Chairman: Paul J. Wittmer
        Traditional schools provide for regular classroom contact with
        children of the same age, and it is assumed that this regular
        contact with other children aids appropriate social
        adjustment.  By their very nature, home schools do not provide
        for regular formal classroom contact with children other than
        siblings.  Because of this obvious difference, parents,
        educators, legislators and courts have questioned whether
        children schooled at home are as socially well-adjusted as
        their agemates in traditional programs.  Investigation of this
        possible difference was the focus of this study.
        The results of this study imply that children between the ages
        of 8 and 10 (sample universe for the study) have similar
        beliefs about themselves regardless of how they are
        schooled. All age groups in both research populations had
        self-concept scores higher than the average national average
        as measured by the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale.
        The results of this study further indicate that children from
        both schooling environments participating in this study
        achieved scores on the Children's Assertive Behavior Scale
        revealing slightly passive understanding of social situations.
        According to the results of this study, children between the
        ages of 8 and 10 who had been educated entirely in a home
        school had significantly fewer problem behaviors, as
        measured by the Direct Observation form of the _Child
        Behavior Checklist_, than children of the same age from
        traditional schools.  Children of this age in this study, who
        had been educated entirely in traditional schools, revealed
        problem behaviors above the normal range for national
        populations of the same age.
        It can be concluded from the results of this study that
        appropriate social skills can develop apart from the formal
        contact with children other than siblings.  This supports the
        belief held by homeschool proponents.
<h3>6.  Do public schools have to help us in any way?</h3>
Louisiana--Sandra Petit &lt;Sandra_Petit@agwbbs.new-orleans.LA.US&gt;:
<p>    "As I understand it, homeschoolers in our area will be allowed to
    use new textbooks [from the public schools] if they are available,
    but they must leave a deposit--50%?--of what the books are worth.  I
    don't know how this will work with workbooks."
Massachusetts--Rowan Hawthorne &lt;rowan@praxsys.com&gt;
<p>    "The superintendant of each school district is responsible for
    overseeing the education of children, whether in school or at
    home.  In some towns (such as Brookline), this means that the
    superintendant will make many school services available to parents
    educating their own children.  It could conceivably mean that some
    superintendants could give you trouble, though I haven't heard of
    any cases."
<h3>7. How will I know what my child is expected to accomplish for any
    given grade?</h3>
Alan Moses &lt;alan@edstar.gse.ucsb.edu&gt; opines:
<p>    "Whose expectations are we talking about here? One of my strongest
    motivations for homeschooling is to avoid the imposition of
    artificial external constraints on what my children should be
    learning at any given time.  There is ample literature out there
    supporting a wide range of individual differences when it comes to
    what a child should be able to do at a certain calendar age.  Having
    grade based expectations is only an issue if you are trying to
    manage a class of 30 different children as if they were all the
    same.  And if for legal or administrative reasons you find yourself
    faced with having to take some sort of norm-based achievement test,
    homeschooled kids seems to do just fine compared to their schooled
    peers, so this is no reason to structure your learning approach to
    these artificial measures.
    "To whatever extent possible, evaluation should come from the
    learner rather than being imposed on the learner.  If your child is
    frustrated because she wanted to understand something and has been
    unable to overcome some stumbling block, this will be obvious to
    you as a parent, and you can offer help as indicated.  Likewise,
    the recognition of accomplishment should also emanate from the
    child - they needn't be dependent on us to validate what they've
<h3>8. What is the first step in educating our children at home?</h3>
Sandra Petit &lt;Sandra_Petit@agwbbs.new-orleans.LA.US&gt; thinks:
<p>    "I would say the first step is to get to know your child.  Though
    we see them everyday, sometimes we are not really aware of the
    person inside that little body and how things look to them.
    Sometimes I have to stop myself and say, why should she know this
    already-how would she have learned it?  Also, to learn HOW your
    child learns best.  Then to read, read, read and see just what
    would fit into your life."
Alan Moses &lt;alan@edstar.gse.ucsb.edu&gt; mentions:
<p>    "Given the opportunity, children willingly and aggressively educate
    themselves.  Give them the freedom to set their own agendas, be sure
    they have the time, space and materials to do what they are
    interested in, be there when your child asks for guidance and
    support, and be attentive to their needs.  In short, trust them, and
    love them."
        "[The homeschooling movement is] in effect, though certainly
        not by design - a laboratory for the intensive and long-range
        study of children's learning and of the ways in which friendly
        and concerned adults can help them.  It is a research project,
        done at no cost, of a kind for which neither the public
        schools nor the government could afford to pay."- John Holt,
        "Schools and Home-schoolers: A Fruitful Partnership," Phi
        Delta Kappan, Feb. 1983.
        What follows are listings from the growing body of research on
        homeschooling that address frequently voiced concerns.  We
        chose these listings because they are either frequently cited
        in other works about homeschooling, or are more accessible to
        the general reader than other academic studies.  Some
        universities and colleges will allow anyone to use their
        libraries, and they are more likely to have these journals and
        books than a public library.  Some citations on this list
        appear in several categories because one study often covers
        many different questions about homeschooling.
        Research that supports the claim that homeschoolers do as
        well as or better than their schooled peers academically :
        Greene, S. (1985) Home study in Alaska: A profile of K-12
        students enrolled in the Alaska Centralized Correspondence
        Study. Resources in Education.  (ERIC document Reproduction
        Service No. ED 255 494)
        Rakestraw, J. (1987) An Analysis of Home Schooling for
        Elementary School-age Children in Alabama. Doctoral
        Dissertation, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
        Ray, B.D. &amp; Wartes, J. (1991) Academic Task and Socializing.
        In J. Van Galen and M.A Pittman (Eds.) Home Schooling:
        Political, Historical, and Pedagogical Perspectives. Norwood,
        NJ: Ablex.
        Richman, Howard. (1988) Homeschoolers Score Higher - A
        Replicable Result.  (available from Pennsylvania
        Homeschoolers, RD 2, Box 117, Kittanning PA 16201)
        Wartes, J. (1990). The Relationship of Selected Input
        Variables to Academic Achievement Among Washington's
        Homeschoolers, [16109 NE 169th Place,] Woodinville, WA:
        Washington Homeschool Research Project.
        Research that supports the claim that homeschoolers are
        not deprived of social skills or experiences:
        Delahooke, M.M. (1986). Home educated children's
        social/emotional adjustment and academic achievement: a
        comparative study. Doctoral dissertation, California School of
        Professional Psychology, Los Angeles. Dissertation Abstracts
        International, 47 475A.
        Montgomery, L. (1989). The effect of home schooling on the
        leadership skills of home schooled students. Home School
        Researcher, Vol. 5 (1), 1-10.  Taylor, J.W. (1986)
        Self-concept in home-schooling children. Doctoral
        dissertation, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI.
        Research that supports the claim that homeschooling
        parents do not need to be certified teachers to help their
        children learn:

<p>    Rakestraw, J. (1987). An Analysis of Home Schooling for
        Elementary School- age Children in Alabama. Doctoral
        Dissertation, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
        Ray, B. (1990) A Nationwide Study of Home Education: Family
        Characteristics, Legal Matters, and Student Achievement. The
        National Home Education Research Institute. 25 W. Cremona St.
        Seattle, WA 98119
        Wartes, J. (1990). The Relationship of Selected Input
        Variables to Academic Achievement Among Washington's
        Homeschoolers, [16109 NE 169th Place,] Woodinville, WA:
        Washington Homeschool Research Project.
        Research that supports the claim that the number of
        homeschoolers is increasing in the United States:

<p>    Lines, P. (1987). An Overview of Home Instruction. Phi Delta
        Kappan, March 1987.
        Lines, P. (1990). Home Instruction: Characteristics, Size and
        Growth. In Home Schooling: Political, Historical, and
        Pedagogical Perspectives. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.

<p>            Research that supports the claim that homeschoolers
        encounter no special difficulty in getting into college or
        finding employment:

<p>    Barnaby, L.(1984) American university admission requirements
        for home schooled applicants, in 1984. Doctoral dissertation,
        Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. Dissertation Abstracts
        International, 47(3), 798A.
        Webb, J. (1989) The Outcomes of Home-based Edcation:
        Employment and Other Issues. Educational Review, 41(2).

<p>       <H3>Sources for more research information:</H3>

<p>    The Moore Foundation, Box 1, Camas WA 98607 (Dr. Raymond
        The National Home Education Research Institute, 25 W. Cremona
        St. Seattle, WA 98119
        (Dr. Brian Ray) Articles in academic journals about
        homeschooling can be accessed using the ERIC database
        (available in many public and university libraries); when
        searching in ERIC be sure to look at all the forms of the word
        "homeschooling" (i.e. home school, home-school, home
        education, etc.) in order to get the largest number of
        references. You can also write to the National Home Education
        Research Institute (see above) for details on how to obtain
        their current bibliography of home-schooling articles. To
        obtain a copy of a dissertation, be sure to get correct
        reference numbers from the University Microfilms International
        (UMI) Dissertation Abstracts database or books (according to
        their literature they are "the only central source of
        accessing almost every doctoral dissertation accepted in North
        America since 1861"). Contact UMI at 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann
        Arbor MI 48106; 800-521-0600.
        Magazines that report or print homeschooling research:

<p>    Education and Urban Society. Special issue: Understanding Home
        Schools: Emerging Research and Reactions. J. Gary Knowles, Ed.
        Volume 21, No. 1, Nov.  1988
        Growing Without Schooling, 2269 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge
        MA 02140
        Home Education Magazine, PO Box 1083, Tonasket WA 98855 (Their
        Jan./Feb. 1991 issue contains a special section on research.)
        Home Education Researcher, The National Home Education
        Research Institute, 25 W. Cremona St. Seattle, WA 98110 The
        Teaching Home, PO Box 20219, Portland OR 97220
        Books that report homeschooling research:
    Moore, Raymond and Dorothy (1988). Home School Burnout: What
        it is. What Causes It. And How To Overcome It.  Brentwood, TN:
        Wolgemuth &amp; Hyatt.  The Moores have written many other books
        about homeschooling based on their research and studies; this
        is their most recent. Some of their other titles are (1979)
        School Can Wait . Provo, UT: Brigham Young Univ. Press; (1982)
        Homespun Schools . Waco, TX : Word Books; (1984) Homestyle
        Teaching. Waco, TX : Word Books. Van Galen, J. &amp; Pitman, M.A.
        eds. (1991). Home Schooling: Political, Historical, and
        Pedagogical Perspectives.  Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
        Webb, Julie (1990). Children Learning At Home.  London, UK:
        Falmer Press
        Books and articles related to, but not specifically
        about, homeschooling research:

<p>    Arons, S. (1983) Compelling Belief: The Culture of American
        Schooling, Amherst, MA: Univ. of MA Press.  Studies the
        conflict between the individual and institutionalism in
        education, with a section on homeschooling.
        Farenga, P. , ed. (1991) Homeschooling In The News, Cambridge,
        MA: Holt Associates. Collection of national print media
        articles about homeschooling that are not academically
        oriented. Useful for seeing how the mass media portrays
        Holt, J. (1981) Teach Your Own: A Hopeful Path for Education.
        Bantam/Doubleday/Dell, NY.
        McCarthy, Oppewal, Peterson, Spykman, (1981) Society, State, &amp;
        Schools, Grand Rapids, MI: Eermans.  This is a scholarly study
        that advocates multiple educational systems that tolerate
        pluralistic worldviews.
        Resnick, L. (1987) Learning In School and Out, Educational
        Researcher, December 1987. 13 - 20.  Shows that practically
        none of the skills learned in school are transferable to the
        world of work.
        Seefeldt, C. ed. (1990). Continuing Issues in Early Childhood
        Education.  Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill.  Chapters by Dr.
        Raymond Moore about delaying school entrance and by Susannah
        Sheffer, editor of Growing Without Schooling, about
        Tizard, B. and Hughes, M. (1984). Young Children Learning.
        Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press.  Ample evidence that
        children of working class parents learn more effectively at
        home than in nursery schools.
        This is one of many articles available from Holt Associates about
        Excerpted from:
        Holt Associates Inc., 2269 Massachusetts Ave.
        Cambridge, MA 02140 (617) 864-3100
<h3>9.What good references and resources exist on the net?</h3>
    The World-Wide-Web!  If you have direct-access, and the ability to
    use X (or Windows or a Macintosh), find out about Mosaic.  If you
    don't have those graphics capabilities, there are text-only
    programs for exploring the information resources available through
    the World-Wide-Web that are freely available (Lynx is the name of
    From: PHIKLEPP@ACS.EKU.EDU (Gene Kleppinger)
    Besides using reference tools and everything else on CD-ROMs,
        I have no personal recommendations right now.  But I do have
        one suggestion: assuming you have telnet or gopher, get to the
        University of Maryland's Reading Room and look at what's in
        Computers, under HomeEducation.  (Gopher to U Maryland, or
        telnet to info.umd.edu and login as gopher; then choose
        Educational Resources, then ReadingRoom.)
        There's a "report" there (dated October 1992) about Internet
        resources with educational themes; I believe it even mentions
        this mailing list.  The appendix contains a long, annotated
        list of service providers, Internet educational forums and
        published literature.
        The report is available in electronic form from
        home-ed-approval@world.std.com.  It is 93K long, so be sure
        your mailbox has enough room:
    From: dkline@nrel.gov (David Kline)
    My oldest (13) has gotten considerable mileage out of an
        educationally-chartered online resource called Cyberion
        City.  In fact, Howard Rheingold thought this was such a novel
        idea -- the use of a MUD in homeschooling -- that he wrote it
        up as a sidebar to the article in Wired magazine (July/Aug
        I'd be happy to send further details and instructions to get
        to Cyberion City to anyone who would like it.  Just 
        kline@well.sf.ca.us is the preferred address.
<h3>10.  How do I find things on the Internet?</h3>

            There are books on this subject.  Anything we put here
            will go out of date very quickly.  Probably a good place
            to begin is:
            Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet<br>
            EFF is proud to announce that the Big Dummy's Guide to the
            Internet is now available for free download from our ftp
            site.  The Big Dummy's Guide is a user guide for novices
            on all the Internet has to offer.
            The genesis of the Big Dummy's Guide was a few informal
            conversations, which included Mitch Kapor of the
            Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Steve Cisler of
            Apple Computers, in June of 1991.  With the support of
            Apple Computers, EFF hired a writer (Adam Gaffin) and
            actually took on the project in September of 1991.
            The idea was to write a guide to the Internet for folks
            who had little or no experience with network
            communications.  The Guide is currently posted to "the
            'net" in ASCII and Hypercard (Mac) formats.  We have been
            giving it away on disk at conferences, and we hope to have
            a print edition available for a nominal charge soon.
            We're hoping to update this Guide on a regular basis, so
            please feel free to send us your comments and corrections.
            EFF would like to thank the folks at Apple, especially
            Steve Cisler of the Apple Library, for their support and
            gentle prodding in our efforts to bring this Guide to you.
            We hope it helps you open up a whole new world, where new
            friends and experiences are sure to be yours.  Enjoy!
            The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet can be downloaded by
            anonymous ftp from ftp.eff.org.  The ASCII version is
            located at pub/Net_info/EFF_Net_Guide/netguide.eff.
            [I realize what appears below is something of an
            advertisement, but I'm including it anyway since it has
            some valuable information and it's still cheaper than all
            the internet guides being put out these days) --- dm]
        BOBRANKIN@delphi.com &lt;Bob Rankin&gt; writes:

<p>            I noticed some mention of Internet resources in the
                FAQ but not a lot of specifics on how to access them.
                Same goes for the Internet articles in the latest
                "Practical Home Schooling" magazine and Sunday's NY
                Times.  So here's "Doctor Bob's Internet Tip of the
                Day" for finding Internet resources on any topic.
                Use "gopher" to get to the gopher.earn.net system.
                Then try the choice labelled "Other Gopher and
                Information Servers".  This menu will have an entry
                for "Veronica".  (If you know another way to access
                Veronica, fine.)  Select a server to handle your
                "gopherspace" query and enter keyword(s) that describe
                what you're looking for, like "Declaration
                Independence" or "chemistry".  Hopefully, you'll be
                rewarded with a menu of pointers to the desired
                By the way... I have authored two informative reports
                on the Internet which may be of interest to the
                readers of this group.
                 If you have e-mail only access to the Internet, you
                  can still use Gopher, FTP, Archie, Veronica and
                  WAIS!  My 8-page report "ACCESSING INTERNET SERVICES
                  VIA E-MAIL" explains in detail how to do it all
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 by dm@world.std.com (Dave Mankins)<br>

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