Are you censoring?

Mark W. Bassett (
Sun, 8 Oct 1995 05:25:03 -0500

This is a request to all paticipants of the higher-fire mailing list.

Most of you have been involved in this conference long enough for you
to know what is happening here.

Should you receive private mail from Steve Winter which makes
reference in ANY WAY to myself or another individual, I am asking you
to forward that mail to me, complete with headers and all. The reason
for forwarding them should be obvious. He has publically slandered
everyone who disagrees with him and his nasty attitudes for several
years now. There are people on the national scene who have always been
present to do the same to God's chosen leadership. Some of you may be
aware of the thorns which particular people live with. 

At some time, the Lord may ask us to use the civil courts to prevent
malicious activity from damaging His work. I have not received such
instruction myself, and will not make any such move unless I am
instructed to do so, but if I am, there will be no hesitation.

Of course, you know that the church has been subjected to all sorts of
lawsuits and harrasement by rebels who have chosen to destroy that
which they are bitter against in the past few years. Some have found
it wise to keep liability umbrellas, and very large insurance coverage
because of this new attribute of the times we have entered into. 

It seems that the gloves have come off in many areas of spirtual

On Sat, 7 Oct 1995 16:35:07 -0500, Steve Winter wrote:

>Are you censoring the messages that I post here to expose devils, Richard?
>If so, I will just start sending the messages to each participant
>privately as well.   I have sent more than one message recently that
>has not been published.
>This is not a game.  You don't want to spend eternity with the Bassett's
>and the Bowden's.  They are filthy spiritual infidels and I KNOW WHAT

You notice the capital letters. This is an effort to deal with a
growing awareness of being treated as a crank. May I add that I also
know what I am talking about. Let the people pray for this man, if
they feel inclined. 

Do you all feel this is a game? Did you? Are you thankful for Steve's
wakup call informing you by way of slanderous remarks that Steve and I
may not be spending eternity in the same place?

If so, why don't you write him and let him know?

The Whole Gospel to the Whole World    -   Life Tabernacle UPC
"Preaching the Kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ,
with all confidence, no man forbidding ... " - Acts 28:31