questions (
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 18:08:41 -0500

Bro. Robert,

 H>I used to belong to the Carrollton Kentucky UPC pastored by
 H>Bro. E. D. Puckett.  In June of 1994, this UPC church *MERGED* with
 H>ALJC church.  Everyone is happy with the result.  You can read the
 H>story in the June 1995 Pentecostal Herald.  The people in the town of
 H>Carrollton are really talking about it.  They have seen churches
 H>before, but never merge.  Many have visited to see how this thing
 H>could be.  Some have stayed and received salvation!  Praise God.

WONDERFUL story!  Thanks...  I appreciated the info. 

I personally belong to an independant church, but I have ministered in
many UPC churches and a few ALJC churches, also.  One of my uncles
pastors a UPC church in Winne, Tx.  I am just glad to see that ALL of
God's People appear to be setting aside these petty squables and really
getting back to the Word and witnessing.  I have seen so many lives
changed recently. It is truly magnificent!

Michael Frazier