Are you censoring? -Reply

Mark W. Bassett (
Sat, 14 Oct 1995 05:12:48 -0500

On Fri, 13 Oct 1995 18:33:11 -0500, you wrote:

>"JB> I do not think Chris was making a demeaning remark so much
>"JB> as one of hope:  The allusion was to a psychiatric hospital,
>"JB> where the take *SICK* people.  The Bible tells us that by
>"JB> his stripes we are healed. It is actually quit possible that
>"JB> Steve's great knowledge and quick temper go together to
>"JB> paint a picture of bipolar illness, which can be healed, and
>"JB> is not to be confused with demonic possesion:
>Hmmm... another liar.  
>Richard, your list is turning into a snake pit, and it is your own
>fault for refusing to take a stand for the truth.

Take it as an indication that God's people don't abide with hatred and
destructive spirits. 

In fact, there has been no indication of there being any people of
*any* doctrinal orientation who do not feel that the behavior and
attitudes in question are not aberant, both socially and spiritually. 

Rather than seeking approval from people who you obviously arent going
to get it from, why don't  you find a living breathing bunch of people
in your hometown, or move somwhere else if led of the Lord, and see if
your "techniques" will yield fruit. 

The wisdom in this should be plain:

1. You will have the satisfaction of seeing a yeild, and learn how to
effectively minister the word, yes AS YOU SEE IT. There is no law
against it, contrary to what you might have thought I was saying.

2. Your health will improve. 

3. It will confirm your idea of having a ministry, and you will grow
as a Christian.

Simply getting people irritated can't supply these as would a
person-to-person ministry. OJ did far better at that than any of us
could ever do.

The Whole Gospel to the Whole World    -   Life Tabernacle UPC
"Preaching the Kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ,
with all confidence, no man forbidding ... " - Acts 28:31