KJ Bible Versions

miykael@pnx.com (miykael@pnx.com)
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 02:33:02 -0500 (CDT)

HI>My Bible's spine has split, so I guess this means a new Bible.  Cambridge is
HI>no longer publishing my version.

HI>Before I make the plunge, I would like to hear comments that you have on the
HI>Bibles.  I was thinking about the Ryrie version.  I am going to stay with
HI>King James because that is what is used at church.  I do not need to be
HI>reading one version while being preached to in another.

HI>If you have any suggestions I would appreciate hearing them.

I use the Ryrie, and my wife and brother-in-law does also.  I enjoy the
notes listed at the bottom, although I cannot say that I agree with
many of them...  I have written so much in it (Greek definitions,
paranthetical comments, other translation notes, etc) that I am truly
afraid of losing it, or of it wearing out.  It has become invaluable to
me.  I use it to minister and witness. 
However, it does tend to fall apart... The glue used to hold the pages
bound is not that good.  I do have to constantly mend it...  Just a
