need info on HALLOWEEN

Colleen Clabaugh (
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 14:55:08 -0500 (CDT)

At 06:54 AM 10/17/95 -0500, you wrote:
>Content-ID: <>
>Content-type: text/plain
>The question has arisen:
>>Does anyone have a good study on HALLOWEEN and it's origin up until today..?
>I hope this works, but I'm attempting to "attach" to this message an
>excellent text file on Halloween from the HUGE research library available
>from Apostolic Information Service.  This is the whole purpose of AIS: to
>provide information that will help you in your ministries.  Many other
>Halloween files are also available online.  To check out the BBS portion of
>our service (which, incidentally, is only one of several information
>resources we offer), call (317)781-7700.  Anyway, here's the file.
>Rich Brown, Apostolic Information Service
>Rich: I've tried calling in this morning but I don't get an answer..Are you
only online during certain times of the day?
