Your site on our CD Rom (fwd)

"Robert J. Brown" (
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 05:04:17 -0500 (CDT)

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Masoner <> writes:

    Richard> Well, should I say yes or no?  This is for "UPC" web
    Richard> page, will have sampler of various religions on a CD-ROM.

    Richard> Richard -------

I think it would be great, but my biggest concern is whether
headquarters needs to be contacted about this.  Although your UPC home
page states that it is "unofficial", distribution for a fee by a third
party my bring the UPC into undesirable legal situations.  I would get
permission from St. Louis before giving permission to these people.
Another concern is what other material would the UPC be grouped with
here.  This is not just church pages, and some churches are obviously
cults.  The way these people set up directories pointing to your page
could seriously affect the way their customers regarded the UPC.  When
the pages are really on-line, then nobody expects overall
organization, but when you buy a CD-ROM, you expect it to all be
sorted out.  The *WAY* it is sorted out can be crucial!  Perhaps
Bro. Bernard would be a good first person to contact about this, given
his minesterial and legal backgrounds.

--"Hear now my reasoning, and harken to the pleadings of my lips." [Jb 13:6]--
Robert J. Brown  (Bob/Rj)  1 708 705-0370 (vmail/fax/data)
Elijah Laboratories Inc;  759 Independence Drive;  Suite 5;  Palatine IL 60074
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