Adult or child? (fwd)

Richard Masoner (
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 18:16:34 -0500 (CDT)

I haven't been following this discussion about "Adult or child" taking
place in another list, but this one *did* catch my eye for some reason.
Note especially Dave's second paragraph.  

LCDR writes "the Trinity...[can] be discerned from Scripture and [is not]
made up by others."  Dave (who is a strong Roman Catholic, and strong
apologist for Trinitarian view during recent debates on CHRISTIA list
about Oneness vs Trinity) retorts in his second paragraph that the trinity
is not the "only" understanding of the Godhead, basically admitting the
trinity is a "made up" doctrine.

Forwarded message:
From: Dave Wagle <dave@ARIES.UTHSCSA.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Adult or child?
To: Multiple recipients of list CONCHR-L <CONCHR-L@VM.TEMPLE.EDU>

>>>>> "LCDR" == LCDR Dale M Courtney <dmcourtn@NPS.NAVY.MIL> writes:

LCDR>     Protestants have historically held to the early church
LCDR> creeds, BTW, such as Nicea, Chalcedon, etc., because they
LCDR> present the systematization of the biblical theology of the
LCDR> Trinity and the nature of Christ; not because these cannot
LCDR> be discerned from Scripture and had to be made up by others
LCDR> to codify a doctrine.

Actually that is not true, early protestants (Lutherans, Anglicans)
recognized quite clearly the need to use human faculties, guided by
the Spirit, to codify doctrine. It is not until quiet late that the
idea that we somehow don't need such leadership arose.

Further, I would offer a strong challange to anyone to show that the
doctrine of the Trinity is the ONLY understanding of the Godhead that
is reasonable while restricting themselves to the kerygmatic language
of the Bible.  The simple fact is, it can't be done.

Moreover, if the at least Nicea is not authoritative, how does one
have a "Bible" at all?

