
Boisy Pitre (boisy@microware.com)
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 19:47:45 -0500 (CDT)

Hello out there,

I was surprised to find that a list such as this existed, and subscribed
as soon as I found out about it.  Since I'm a "newbie" here, I might
as well divulge some personal information.

I am a 25 year old software engineer residing in Des Moines, Iowa.  My
father is an ordained United Pentecostal Church minister and pastors a
small church in Mississippi.  I have a cousin who is also a UPC minister
and has done missionary work on the African continent.  Several of my
good friends are UPC ministers and laymen.  I was raised going to a UPC
church at least three times a week, and attended youth camps and camp
meetings on end, so I'm quite familiar with the principles and doctrines
of the Oneness Apostolic faith in general and the UPC in particular.

I pursued a "secular" higher education, and since college, I have chosen
not to attend a church, and I do not consider myself a member of the
Pentecostal faith.

In my experience with Pentecostals, I have found that most people
are poor apologists and extremely narrow minded.  On issues regarding
doctrinal principles, philosophy, the human condition and various
"holiness standards", reasoned dialogue is out of the question in favor
of a more bombastic "bless God" approach.  Since mediums like this tend
to attract a more educated group of people, I'm hoping to find enlightening
discussions which don't necessarily end with "because God wants it that way."

In my 15 years of being in and around the UPC, I've seen a lot of
things.  No, I'm not a "bitter" PK out to pick a fight with the first
holly-roller I see.  Rather, I'm looking for common sense discussion on
a range of topics.  This list should be interesting.

Boisy G. Pitre
The opinions expressed herein, unless otherwise stated, are mine only.