Adult or child? (fwd)

Richard Masoner (
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 02:29:46 -0500 (CDT)

More on this discussion on another list: Dave Wagle, a Catholic, posits
that the trinity doctrine cannot be constructed solely from Scripture.

What a concept!


Forwarded message:
From: Dave Wagle <dave@ARIES.UTHSCSA.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Adult or child?

>>>>> "LCDR" == LCDR Dale M Courtney <dmcourtn@NPS.NAVY.MIL> writes:

    >> Further, I would offer a strong challange to anyone to show
    >> that the doctrine of the Trinity is the ONLY understanding of
    >> the Godhead that is reasonable while restricting themselves to
    >> the kerygmatic language of the Bible.  The simple fact is, it
    >> can't be done.

    LCDR>     I could recommend *many* great texts written by
    LCDR> protestants who have gone back and have dissected the
    LCDR> Scriptures to see what they taught.  If you want a list,
    LCDR> just let me know.  Protestants haven't been well known for
    LCDR> relying on church history to dictate what they should or
    LCDR> should not believe.  Just look at Luther :)

I realize that Protestants don't have a great track record for holding
to Tradition, but that is not what I'm saying. I am saying that there
are a great many doctrines which are essential to the faith (such as
the Trinity) which are not clear from scripture, and which can not be
shown to be true without bringing in ideas and concepts and language
constructs that our outside of Scripture.

    >> Moreover, if the at least Nicea is not authoritative, how does
    >> one have a "Bible" at all?

    LCDR>     I have no clue what you mean by this.

Ok -- if you don't accept the authority of the Church to define
Scripture, how do you decide which books are authoritative as
Scripture? Is that clearer?

