
MIKE HARVEY (mikeh@california.com)
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 02:36:12 -0500 (CDT)

At 07:47 PM 10/23/95 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello out there,
>I was surprised to find that a list such as this existed, and subscribed
>as soon as I found out about it.  Since I'm a "newbie" here, I might
>as well divulge some personal information.
>I am a 25 year old software engineer residing in Des Moines, Iowa.  My
>father is an ordained United Pentecostal Church minister and pastors a
>small church in Mississippi.  I have a cousin who is also a UPC minister
>and has done missionary work on the African continent.  Several of my
>good friends are UPC ministers and laymen.  I was raised going to a UPC
>church at least three times a week, and attended youth camps and camp
>meetings on end, so I'm quite familiar with the principles and doctrines
>of the Oneness Apostolic faith in general and the UPC in particular.
>I pursued a "secular" higher education, and since college, I have chosen
>not to attend a church, and I do not consider myself a member of the
>Pentecostal faith.
>In my experience with Pentecostals, I have found that most people
>are poor apologists and extremely narrow minded.  On issues regarding
>doctrinal principles, philosophy, the human condition and various
>"holiness standards", reasoned dialogue is out of the question in favor
>of a more bombastic "bless God" approach.  Since mediums like this tend
>to attract a more educated group of people, I'm hoping to find enlightening
>discussions which don't necessarily end with "because God wants it that way."
>In my 15 years of being in and around the UPC, I've seen a lot of
>things.  No, I'm not a "bitter" PK out to pick a fight with the first
>holly-roller I see.  Rather, I'm looking for common sense discussion on
>a range of topics.  This list should be interesting.
>Boisy G. Pitre
>The opinions expressed herein, unless otherwise stated, are mine only.


Let me say welcome!  I read your introductory post with mixed feelings  

It sounds if you were indescribably fortunate to have had the upbringing you
described,  I would have loved to have been in similar shoes! So blessed.
My Idea of a normal Saturday was to make the circuit of the town bars trying
to figure out where my step dad left the family car!

As  for this list attracting a more "educated group"  of people.  I must
tell you that  many  members on this list  have an educational level which
constantly amazes me with there wisdom.   I have learned a lot.  I think
that you will be quite challenged if you go toe to toe intellectually with
some of them,  You  will also find  some like myself,  who are still
scratching there heads at your comment ,  and wondering WHAT'S WRONG with
doing or not doing something just "BECAUSE GOD WANTS  IT  THAT WAY."  You
may categorize me as kind of uneducated ,  but doing Gods will  sounds like
a good enough reason for doing or not doing things as far as I'm concerned.  

 I am not a supporter for blind  Pastoral obedience or scriptural ignorance
but I also question the worth of a "Secular Higher Education" if it
separates you from the God of your youth,  I resent  the  impression that
you seem to  portray that a person comments intellectual sassed to follow
this apostolic way.  

I do not have a  Collage degree,  I sometimes  miss spell  even simple words
(even with spell check!)  so far they have not kicked be off the list for
ignorance I read someplace I think in

 Jeremiah 9:23-24 "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the
Mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches but
let him that glorieth glory in this, that he UNDERSTANDETH AND KNOWETH ME,
that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness"

I look forward to discussions with you because you sound like someone  I
will enjoy talking with.  Who knows  maybe  we can  learn from each other.

God Bless- 