
miykael@pnx.com (miykael@pnx.com)
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 02:41:19 -0500 (CDT)

Mr. Pitre,

I read your comments, and to be honest, was not really suprised by
anything you stated.  I, too, have had similar ideas and comments
concerning Oneness believers in my life; so I can understand where you
are coming from.

I am also 25, and have family in the ministry (and I am personally
involved), so again, we share a few things in common.  However, the
major difference we have is that I have continued believing God's Word
and living this "holiness standard" of which you have set aside.  So,
perhaps, I (among others) can answer any questions you might have.

HI>I pursued a "secular" higher education, and since college, I have chosen
HI>not to attend a church, and I do not consider myself a member of the
HI>Pentecostal faith.

I also attend secular high school and secular college.

HI>In my experience with Pentecostals, I have found that most people
HI>are poor apologists and extremely narrow minded.  

I understand your statement; however, I would ask you to please clarify
what you actually mean.  This statement can be taken different ways. 
It is true that many people in Oneness churches do not know how to
"articulate" their beliefs into concrete words, but this does not mean
that their belief is invalid.

HI> No, I'm not a "bitter" PK out to pick a fight with the first
HI>holly-roller I see. 

Glad to hear that!

HI> Rather, I'm looking for common sense discussion on
HI>a range of topics.  This list should be interesting.

I hope that we can help!

Michael Frazier