the moes (
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 02:28:17 -0500 (CDT)
UNSUBSCRIBE Higher-Fire Firstname Lastname

At 06:10 PM 10/23/95 -0500, Donald Peters wrote:
>Please help me remove myself from distribution! I lost
>the instructions for removing/unsubscribing myself, and
>I can't recall how to unsubscribe from a dist. list.
>Donald Peters
>P.S. Hi to everyone. I'm glad to see you are all here.
>(Special hi to Steve Winter!) Unfortunately, all this
>email interferes with work so I can't join. I was within
>days of reserving "", but I see someone else
>has done so, so you're welcome to it. You people seem to
>be doing some things that I was planning to do myself,
>so no need for me to do that now. However one thing that
>I am still wanting to accomplish is getting some good
>Oneness books online, like Bernard's. I already have
>his permission, (verbally, so far) but there are no good
>electronic copies -- I may have to scan, ugh. If you
>want to reply to me, please be advised that I'm not
>going to read all the email generated by the dist. list;
>it's too much, esp. when I am using an archaic UNIX
>mail program with major bugs/features in it.


                  Blessings from,
                      THE MOES
               * Yorkies are a girl's
                      best friend!*
    People are your greatest source of pain
    and your greatest source of pleasure.
    Self-sacrifice is easy.
    It's having to sacrifice someone you love
    that puts your convictions to the test.
    .            ,
     .      ,,///;,   ,;/                Are we
       .   o:::::::;;///          fishers of men?
          >::::::::;;\\\                or fish?
            ''\\\\\'" ';\