
Thomas Griffin (griffin@mtu.edu)
Sat, 28 Oct 1995 00:47:16 -0500 (CDT)

I would have to admit that I have heard quite a few GOOD arguments 
	from the people who have tvs and from those that don't.  It
	is definately an interesting subject.

If someone were to have the tv and only watch the news and the "christian"
	network, and be able to keep out all of the filfth from the 
	world - then bravo.  Satan tries to attack us from any realm that
	he can.  He can destroy so many people through this with one fail
	swoop, it's quite amazing.  

The stereo and computer are "to me" quite different from the tv because 
	of the fact that it filters out most all of the fiflth that you
	would have to be shown or made to hear.  For example, if I only 
	buy tapes (or CDs) that have gospel music on them then I have 
	spared my soul some possible anguish.  The computer can and at
	most times is seperate from the internet.  I for many reasons
	have stopped messing with the internet.  One is that I saw quite
	a bit of time that was wasted for no apparent reason and especially
	didn't do anything to give God the glory or win a soul with the 
	possible exception of my homepage part about my church and our 
	beliefs.  The other is as you say, it still has quite the porno
	appearance and I am trying to shun that possible appearance.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

It is wholesome discussion like this that we all have an oppurtunity to
	grow in the Lord and see things from other viewpoints.  If more
	discussions were to happen along these lines where there were no
	tempers oor hatred attitudes involved then I think some of the
	silent people out there (who do have opinions and comments) would
	start to chime in.  It is unfortunate for us more than they that
	they don't contribute, because we lose the chance at hearing a
	possible testimony that could light a fire, or stir a soul, or
	even help someone through a situation that they are dealing with.
	I too was once really shy and afraid to involve myself in any
	type of discussion where I didn't feel that I was the authority,
	but God allowed me to overcome that so that I could witness to
	and teach what is this marvelous message of salvation.

So for those of you who mail in private because you are afraid to put
	it on the list, don't be because NO ONE here is an expert and 
	NO ONE here is perfect.  Help us at the same time you are helping
	yourself !

Bro Tom.

    - Thomas J. Griffin III <----------------------------------------------
   |    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the            |
   |        life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."               |
   |    			John 14:6				   |
    -----------------> griffin@mtu.edu  &  http://www.me.mtu.edu/~griffin -