Subliminal messages (
Sat, 28 Oct 1995 01:06:28 -0500 (CDT)

HI>Apply that same logic to the television.  You can "tune" or "change
HI>the channel" to a number of different stations.  Depending on the
HI>broadcast, you can see anything from educational shows to decadent

Because while listening to the radio, you can expect the station to
play exactly what you choose to listen to...  For example, A rock
station, will play rock music.  A jazz station, will play Jazz music. 
A Christian station, will play Christian music.  However, the same
principle cannot be supported on Television.  While watching CBS, you
cannot be guaranteed to suddenly be thrown into viewing A "Victoria's
Secret" underwear commercial, etc.

HI>Have you ever looked at the educational programs on TV?  The Learning
HI>Channel?  The Discovery Channel?  Does EVERYTHING in your life have to
HI>have a biblical slant?  I assume you value education; is there something
HI>wrong in watching an educational program?

Why would I WANT to pay for CABLE which would cost approximately $30
per month, to ONLY watch a select number of channels..  God's money
could be MUCH better use elsewhere... Again, Radio (in comparison) does
not cost anything to recieve...  Thus, your arguement is flawed.  You
just simply can't turn on The Discovery Channel without FIRST exposing
yourself to any other "garbage" on the network...

HI>Frederick, if you want to live without a TV and VCR, that's your choice.
HI>But please, be consistent; it would give validity to your arguments.

I believe that he has...  I am still looking for yours...  Hmmm...

HI>Technology -  Try utilizing it responsibly :-)

The only valid argument I found in all of your response...