my 2 cents on TV

yhclifto (
Sat, 28 Oct 1995 20:26:13 -0500 (CDT)

Friends in Christ,

There is a debate about whether it is important not to keep a TV in your 
house, and I'm giving my two cents worth, I think it is.

The reason is broadcast TV (cable or comertial.) creates a conflict with 
the direction God intends for us not because it is visual, but because of 
who controls most of it.

Comeritial TV sends a flux of comertials which seem overwhelmingly to 
promote greed or lust in the individual regaurdless of the product being 
sold or the program being financed by the comertial.

Cable TV may contain some shows without this kind of contamination, but 
paying for cable is paying the people who brought you the playboy channel.

Christien TV, can have a bad effect on new comers, because they will see, 
if they watch such a thing Holy Ghost filled preachers who promote the 
opposite of holiness (I would make a joke about it, but there is nothing 
funny about Carman appearing in Jewlry and singing very worldly music on the 
Trinity Broadcast Network.)

The fact that some strong saints can overcome this effect on there life, 
I do not consider a valid excuse for owning a TV because when you own a TV 
you have drasticly dilute the message.

Holyness is freedom from the effects of the world and an essential part 
of salvation. At the end of Gosple according to John it was when all the 
doors were locked to world that "Christ stood in the mist of them saying 
'Peace be unto you.'"  Only when you have actively taken measures to shut 
your mind to the world does the real peace of Christ enter your life.  
Remeber Thomas had been in a state of doubt because he was out doing 
buisness with the world, and only found his Lord and his God when he was 
in the locked room.

I would further note that the children of Isreal found the light of God 
under the darkest cloud (the one which shielded them most from the false 
light of the world.

Since holyness is vital, and it is correct to trust the church to lead us 
to a holy life, the wisest action for a Christian to take is throw out 
his TV.

For the record, I believe the message of holyness can be preached the 
start.  I gave exactly this message to an athiest a month ago and now 
there is one less athiest at Oakland University (I did not do it, I'm 
just saying this to any one afraid to give God's message, fear not.)

Any one want to tell me what I missed on TV when sitting around reading 
my Bible?

			With love to all my Apostolic Brothers (even the 
ones who disagree,)
