Spanish Higher-Fire

Richard Masoner (
Mon, 30 Oct 1995 09:48:01 -0600 (CST)

> If you had a translater could you create/moderate a Spanish Higher-Fire?

Br. Brown is working on getting mailing list software set up on
his server, where we will start up a Spanish mailing list.  Perhaps
Br. Cantillo or one of the other Spanish speaking brethren can
suggest a name for this list?

Regarding moderation, I definitely don't have time for that --
someone else will need to do that.

Being the administrator of a list requires only email access, but
it probably will need to be someone who accesses email frequently.
I can do this on a provisional basis until we find someone else.
I do not have a system handy where I can run translator software;
I'll need to email Spanish language inquiries to someone who can
provide a response (Br. Cantillo?).
