miykael@pnx.com (miykael@pnx.com)
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 02:35:35 -0600 (CST)

HI>>HI>I was just browsing throught the internet and I saw the United Pentecost
HI>>HI>some more information about this.
HI>>What a major opportunity to spread God's Word!!!
HI>>Gee, I thought that Jesus told us to spread the word by word of mouth, and
HI>confirming the word with signs and wonders.  I understand that they didn't
HI>have this technology, but there were means of communication other than what 
HI>was commanded by Jesus.

True, there WERE other forms of communication.  But, if God only wanted
people to learn of his Truth by "word of mouth," then why was the
epistles written?  I understand that these people were "already saved,"
yet the continued to need the truth of God's message spoken to them? 
Why didn't Paul only preach to them?  Why did he write letters?  
I believe that God wants us to get the message of salvation out to a
lost and dying world as much as possible.  One more avenue for a work
will only help!
