No Tongues in 13 Years

"fmbank" (
Thu, 9 Oct 1997 15:21:53 -0400

> From: Tyler Nally <>
> A better test is to see if the fruit of the spirit is evident.
> Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekeness, faith,
> and temperance and such like .... against is no law.  If the fruit
> not plural (it's not *fruits* of the Spirit)) is evident, then the Spirit

> of the Master isn't within.

me (daBanker :-) ) Hey Bro. you are always reminding US to
proof read, I am sure you meant "if the fruit (single, 
not plural (it's not *fruits* of the Spirit)) is  NOT evident,
then the Spirit  of the Master isn't within. 

I totally agree with your comments, but when I said almost the same
thing to my husband he came back at me with "what about
many Baptists, Methodists, etc. whose lives *also* evidence the fruit
of the Spirit... Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
meekeness, faith, and temperance and such like ....  but who don't 
have the Holy Ghost???  Or someone like Mother Teresa? They
are living in a repentant state, and love God,  (as Cornelius) but have
not as yet received the Holy Ghost. I have seen the fruit of the Spirit 
evidenced in my friend's life, but I have also seen it in the life of
my precious Presbyterian grandmother, and she doesn't have the
Holy Ghost. She thinks I am in a cult and won't even discuss
speaking in tongues or Jesus Name baptism.