Cross gcc Mailing List Archive


a few questions on c++

I have done the Canadian-cross and it works.
	host = i386-go32	target=m68k-coff
	GCC 	2.72
	NEWLIB 	1.70
	BINUT  	2.62
	GDB 	4.16
I need c++ support.
The compiler accepts the c++ syntax.I can build 
classes and compile them.

I search for but could not find iostream.h or the 
libs. I read somewhere that LANGUAGE should be set 
for c and/or c++.

Is there some switch I need to turn on when I make 
the compiler?  

Where would I do this?
Is the compiler set to build for c and c++ by 
If no how do I set it, what is the syntax?
Where do I find iostream.h and the c++ libs?

Is there any information ( info/man pages) that 
the compiler?  Where do I find them?

	And now for something completely 
Reentrant routines.

How do I set the compiler to build/use the 
where do I use _REENT_ONLY?

Anyone know of a good book about this GNU stuff? 
	one that explains everything in details. 

	Still learning this stuff so don't assume
	I know anything.


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